Chapter 2

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Over the past quarter moon since the Gathering, ThunderClan continued their normal business, only Brambleclaw had asked the patrols to pay a bit more attention when passing the ShadowClan border for stray scents.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Blackstar decides to start stealing our prey after Leopardstar's blatant threat," the deputy had explained. "It's best to be alert rather than not."

Leafsong had been on two border patrols since he had said that, one led by her and another led by Cloudtail, but neither one had found suspicious scents or traces of prey-stealing. Either way, Cloudtail was convinced the rival Clan was stealing their prey.

"They probably learned their lesson after stealing RiverClan's prey," the white warrior was ranting as the patrol was returning to the camp. "Hide their scent, be careful about leaving feathers and blood drops about... Typical ShadowClan!" He snorted in disgust.

Leafsong and Brackenfur had merely exchanged a glance with one another, knowing arguing with the hot-headed tom wasn't worth it. They both believed ShadowClan hadn't taken their code-breaking to ThunderClan's side, at least not yet.

Now, the pale-ginger she-cat watched as one of these patrols emerged from the thorn tunnel and went over to Brambleclaw to report. Judging from their flat fur and calm demeanor, she guessed that they didn't find any evidence of ShadowClan's trespassing.

"You're scheduled for the evening patrol, right?" Squirrelflight asked. She tore off a chunk of the thrush's flesh.

"Yeah," Leafsong answered after swallowing her mouthful. "With Thornclaw and Cinderheart. I'm thinking of taking Bravepaw with me, too, if I can convince him to leave Frostdrop for a while."

The she-cats laughed, knowing if anything, Frostdrop will beg to join the patrol with them in order to not have Bravepaw leave her.

The two had been practically inseparable since Frostdrop stood up for Bravepaw in front of the Clan and against her own littermates, Whitesnake and Shiningice. They quickly grew close together, and Leafsong, aware of this, turned her mentorship of Bravepaw over to Frostdrop. It was decided between her, Bravepaw, Firestar, and a little bit of Frostdrop that Bravepaw would serve the Clan through hunting and helping Leafpool and Jaypaw with their medicine cat duties when needed, such as gathering herbs and potentially healing cats if the demand was high. He had absolutely no interest in fighting, and blatantly refused when Firestar asked about it.

The "apprentice" didn't have much else to learn, as he had grown very skilled in both aspects during his travels by himself, but Frostdrop still insisted on teaching him some hunting tactics she bet he didn't know, and the medicine cats taught him the use of herbs he had never encountered before that grew in the area. Among these, Bravepaw continued to learn about the Clans themselves, being as interested in them as ever. Leafpool and Jaypaw were also surprised at his great interest in StarClan as a cat who grew up outside the Clans his entire life.

"I have always had a feeling there was a place where cats go after they become deceased," Bravepaw had meowed to Leafsong after a lesson with the medicine cats. "To now know that there is one, even if it is only for late Clan cats - it brings me comfort, along with the desire to know more about them."

He seemed to have gained some faith in StarClan, even if it wasn't entirely the faith the Clans followed. The main thing was that he believed StarClan truly existed.

The day was coming to a close once again, and Leafsong joined Thornclaw in waiting for the others before setting out for the evening patrol. Thornclaw and Cinderheart had agreed on letting Bravepaw come along, and none of them were surprised when, in fact, Frostdrop did ask to join, too. The older warrior simply glanced at each other with amusement and obliged. It was no secret to the Clan of the two cats' growing relationship.

The patrol decided to start with the ShadowClan border first, so that if anything was found amiss they could detect it early on and chase off any intruders. Cinderheart joked that it was a good thing they had five cats on the patrol.

"With one look at all of us," the gray she-cat purred, "they'll flee right back to their land without a fight!"

Shortly along the boundary, nothing suspicious was found yet, so the patrol was in a good mood and began to make conversation.

"So, Bravepaw," Thornclaw meowed casually. "Why were you named 'Brave'? Did you give yourself that name?"

The brown-and-black apprentice didn't detect any hostility. "No, I did not name myself," he answered. "I have been responding to that name for my entire life. Well, until Firestar changed it to 'Bravepaw'. I think my mother must have given it to me."

Cinderheart stopped sniffing at a fern and looked at him. "What happened to your mother?" Her eyes held sympathy, expecting the worse.

"I... I do not know." Bravepaw blinked, his brow creasing in thought. "I do not remember much of her. I believe I lost her at a young age."

"Surely you didn't survive this far by yourself?" Cinderheart wondered, wanting more information.

Everyone seemed to forget about the patrol as they eagerly listened to Bravepaw's story.

The apprentice laughed. "No. I remember more of a different she-cat, though I always knew she was not my true mother. I do not remember the first time I met her, or under what circumstances I encountered her, but I do know that she was the one who first taught me how to hunt and how to heal with plants."

"Do you remember her name?" Frostdrop asked softly. Leafsong was shocked to realize that Frostdrop had not even heard Bravepaw's past. Perhaps she was always wary to ask him herself. A young cat traveling by himself for as long as he could remember could never have a happy story, surely.

The tom began to shake his head, but then he paused, blinked. "Actually, I think it was... Sky," he murmured, his eyes clouded. His words came slow as his memory came back to him. "She was... a kittypet."

The Clan cats were visibly shocked at this.

"A kittypet?" Thornclaw echoed. His tone was more of curiosity than of derision. "What do they know of hunting and herbs?"

"She also taught me how to fight," Bravepaw added distantly. "But she made me promise that I would never use the skills she gave me on another cat, except out of absolute defense."

The warriors exchanged glances with each other, even more curious about Bravepaw's backstory than before. Leafsong's fur began to prick.

"Bravepaw," the she-cat began gently, "I don't know if the Clans -"

Her sentence was cut off as a sudden, loud thrumming of paws was heard faintly in the direction of the pine forest. It was rapidly growing louder and the cat came closer. The ThunderClan patrol braced themselves along the border line, prepared to stop the cat from crossing. They watched as a single cat rounded a juniper bush and ran straight at them, skidding to a halt only a tail-length before crossing the border.

Redswirl's green eyes were wide with fear, and her breath came in heavy gasps. Blood-scent wafted off of her.

"Oh, thank StarClan you're here!" The black she-cat heaved. Leafsong didn't know if she was talking just to her, or to the patrol as a whole. "RiverClan is attacking our camp!"


YAY THE FIRST CLIFF HANGER!!! Isn't it good to be back? >:3

This was pretty much just a filler chapter, talking about Bravepaw and Frostdrop, and even Bravepaw's past. He's such a pacifist - and he is Frostdrop's pacifist /)>w<(\

At least ShadowClan's not gonna be stealing ThunderClan's prey, hm?

Thanks for reading! XD

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