Chapter 14

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Nightblaze quickly found Leafsong after she opened her eyes, her heart already pounding and a heavy pit stuck in her chest. Could she voice her fears of the Dark Forest to the black-and-ginger tom? She had fallen asleep praying that she wouldn't wake up to the maniacal woodland each night since Jayfeather told his vision of the red moon. But it was clear that StarClan had no control whether she visited their enemies' lair or not. If the vision truly did have something to do with the Dark Forest, would Nightblaze know about it? And perhaps more importantly, if he did know, would he be willing to go against his spiritual home and tell her any information?

It was possible. Ever since she first met the tom when Owlheart sent her to train with him and Wolfscar, he was always noticeably different from any other Dark Forest cat she's encountered. For one, he doesn't belittle her and randomly attack her for no reason. And when they do fight by order of their mentor, he doesn't go all out as if he would be fighting for his life, which he's not. He seemed to sincerely respect Leafsong, Chosen Warrior or no Chosen Warrior. He was interesting to chat with when they made their way together to Wolfscar, no matter how hesitant he was about sharing his past. Perhaps he felt like he didn't belong in the Dark Forest himself.

Jayfeather hadn't told her of any other visions he's had, and as far as he knew, Leafpool hadn't had any visions, either. Leafsong wanted to learn more about this mysterious red moon and whether it was genuinely connected to the Dark Forest or not. And her best bet on finding her answers was to ask a Dark Forest cat like Nightblaze.

Perhaps he could even tell me how to lose my connection to the Dark Forest forever - to take back my "yes" from Owlheart.

Before the tom could start leading the way to Wolfscar, Leafsong spoke up. "Nightblaze, can we talk for a bit? Before we leave to start tonight's lesson, I mean."

He took a few paces forward to stand in front of her. The Dark Forest cat must have seen something on her face because his midnight blue eyes filled with concern. "Is it about last lesson?" he asked softly, not wanting any prowling cats to overhear. He shook his head pleadingly. "Trust me, Leafsong, I had no idea that he was going to do that. Every now and then he decides to do a big fight to judge how I use my improved moves against him, and it's completely random. Sometimes it's ten lessons apart, and sometimes it's back to back lessons. I should have warned you." His ears flattened. "I was scared for you."

Leafsong looked at him. If that did not prove that he wasn't a true Dark Forest cat, she didn't know what could.

"I totally thought he was going to kill you," he continued quietly. "I was going to try to get him off you, but then Owlheart came."

The pale-ginger she-cat blinked. "Yeah, Owlheart came," she echoed uneasily. It was still a puzzle why the devious she-cat appeared at all, and namely right as Wolfscar was getting ready to kill Leafsong. A shudder rolled through her. What would happen to her if she was killed in the Dark Forest? She didn't want to know, and that was exactly why she needed to get out of here.

"I appreciate that, Nightblaze," she meowed honestly. "I wanted to ask you about something that I recently came by." She quickly scanned the area for any peering, glowing eyes before murmuring, "It's about something called a red moon."

Nightblaze didn't hide his recognition of the term as his ears perked up. "I've been hearing rumors about that around here, too," he admitted.

Leafsong pounced, seizing the opportunity to learn more like a mouse that kept squirming out of her paws. "Do you know what it is, what it's significance is?"

He glanced away, thinking. "I think it's exactly what is says it is - a red moon. I've never heard of it before now. I don't know much of it - what I've learned is just from little clips I catch around the Forest." He looked at Leafsong apprehensively. "Something about an attack when it occurs."

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