Chapter 10

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i apologize for what happens in this chapter in advance :x


Two sunrises passed since Whitesnake and Shiningice returned from their quest, bringing both Swiftclaw and Stone back. Much of the Clan was still uneasy with the newcomers, finding it difficult to live with a former WindClan warrior in the camp and nearly impossible with the unexpected appearance of Stone.

Personally, Leafsong was on good terms with Swiftclaw. They hadn't had a proper conversation yet, but the warrior still felt like they had a silent bond now, especially after Swiftclaw had practically thanked her for making her leave the Clans in the first place.

But Stone was a completely different relationship. Leafsong always caught herself looking for him just to know where he was at all times; she was always aware of his presence, no matter if she tried or not. The back of her neck often started prickling uncomfortably when she thought that he was watching her while she ate prey or chatted with Squirrelflight and Darkflight.

It wouldn't be an absurd assumption if the entire Clan felt that way. Leafsong even spotted some of the younger cats whispering to each other and giving horrified looks Stone's way when he wasn't looking. They weren't alive when he was still in ThunderClan, or they were just small kits, but there was no doubt that they were told by the older cats of his treachery. If Stone tried to do anything, it would not be done without any witnesses, that was for sure.

Despite Firestar's words of Swiftclaw and Stone taking up warrior duties for the time being, Brambleclaw had left them out of every patrol so far. When Whitesnake and Shiningice started leading their parents out of the camp to go on a hunting patrol together, Brambleclaw immediately stopped them and instead sent Cloudtail and Lionblaze to take the outsiders' places. He gave no reason and remained out in the hollow watching Stone and Swiftclaw until the hunters returned. After that, he went out on a patrol himself, leaving Lionblaze to keep watch over them in his absence. His suspicion and distrust for the family was apparent to all the Clan, including Stone and Swiftclaw themselves.

It was a gloomy leaf-fall day with the gray sky and crisp air. Most cats had stayed in their dens to hide from the chill when not patrolling, hunting, or training. Leafsong herself had remained in her nest all day so far, partially because of the sleepy day and partially because her head was flooded with questions and suspicious thoughts about Stone. When did he and Swiftclaw first fall in love with one another? Was it before his exile, or after? And how did they ever even find one another again after Stone left the Clans?

How did he ever find out that she was the Chosen Warrior?

She wanted to ask him these questions, but she knew she couldn't. He would most likely think it strange and lash out, wondering why she seemed to care so much about his past. But these thoughts that have been rotating in her mind since Stone's appearance need to be spoken aloud, whether to Stone or to someone else.

"Darkflight." She turned in her nest and whispered the tom's name. There was only a pause before the black warrior shifted in his own nest, which he had placed next to hers, and looked over at her. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"In this weather?" he complained softly, clearly not wanting to leave the warmth of the warriors' den.

Leafsong urged him, "I want to talk about something. I just need someone to listen to me."

The drowsiness in Darkflight's eyes cleared. "All right," he gave in. The two warriors got up and silently left the den, being sure to avoid all paws and tails that blocked their path.

The hollow was deserted, void of any cat before they both entered. As they walked to the camp entrance, Leafsong couldn't help but look over at Stone and Swiftclaw's makeshift den. They were not in their customary positions of lying right outside the bramble thicket, where they watched the Can and shared meals with Shiningice and Whitesnake. They must have been in their nests like everyone else, subject to the somber cloud cover.

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