Chapter 4

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The battle patrol was bombarded with questions when they returned to the ThunderClan camp; it was clear that they were all too anxious about the attack on ShadowClan to fall asleep. Firestar quickly told them that ShadowClan was fine and that RiverClan retreated. He didn't mention Blackstar's outrage at their unplanned help, and those on the patrol were wise to not mention it, though they did exchange knowing glances with each other. He then sent the Clan to their dens for the night and allowed Leafpool and Jaypaw to check over the battle patrol's wounds. Thankfully, none were serious.

As the medicine cats came back with herbs from their den - as the den was too small for the whole battle patrol to fit in - Leafsong noticed Bravepaw as he lingered hesitantly to the side while Leafpool and Jaypaw got to work. Glancing to the side, Leafpool noticed his reluctance too.

"What are you waiting for?" she mumbled around a mouthful of poultice she was chewing up. "Get some herbs and start healing."

The brown-and-black tom bolted to the pile of herbs that sat between the two medicine cats, gathering a few of each in his mouth, and then trotted to the nearest waiting cat, Sandstorm.

Leafsong's heart warmed as she realized that this was the first true test Bravepaw has had with healing in the Clan. Leafpool may have let him treat small wounds and illnesses as they rose up to see how well he handled them, but this, right now, was exactly why ThunderClan needed him. He cleaned and bandaged wounds as efficiently as if he was training here as long as Jaypaw's had, and when dealing with a group of battle-wounded cats like this, everyone would be treated that much quicker and with the same knowledge as a full medicine cat. She watched as he swiftly sniffed Sandstorm's pelt, searching for the wounds by scent instead of sight in the dim light, chewed up poultices, spit and spread them on the injuries, and clod them with cobwebs. It seemed in a few heartbeats, Sandstorm was sent on her way to the warriors' den to go to sleep for the night, and with some instructions to return if anything went awry.

Jaypaw eventually approached Leafsong and began sniffing for her wounds.

"He's a very skilled healer, I'll give him that," the gray tabby murmured as his whiskers brushed along her pelt.

"Do you not like him?" Leafsong inquired warily. Bravepaw had struggled enough being accepted by the others when he first joined the Clan. She supposed that not everyone still entirely accepted him, but she never thought Jaypaw would be included in that group.

Her assumption was thankfully shot down instantly, however, with his response.

"No, I like having him around. He's great help with gathering herbs, and obviously, helping with healing a bunch of cats like this." He took a moment to chew up a fresh poultice and spit it on to a wound on Leafsong's shoulder. She didn't even remember getting it. "I'm just wondering where he's going to fit in at. He's great healing, but he's also too good of a hunter to be a full-time medicine cat. I don't want to take that skill away from the Clan when he can help feed everyone so well. But he doesn't fight, so surely he can't be a warrior. All warriors hunt and fight. It's what they do for the Clan."

Leafsong took in his words and understood the predicament. "I'm sure Firestar will think of something when it's time for him to get his full name," she assured. "Maybe it's time for a new rank in the Clans?"

Jaypaw looked at her with his blind eyes wide. He blinked a few times, thinking about her words. "Maybe," he simply replied.

With Leafsong's wounds cleaned, she was sent to the den with the other warriors. In the corner of her vision, she spotted movement and glanced over quickly to see that Frostdrop was sitting outside the warriors' den, watching Bravepaw work. Smiling quietly, Leafsong entered the den.

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