Chapter 19

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"You!" Darkflight hissed ferociously, the force of the word tearing at his throat. "What did you do to her?"

"I'm not the one who killed her!" Stone retorted above the pounding rain and splashing waves. "Owlheart did!"

"But you helped Owlheart!" The black-furred tom took a pace forward, ready to leap at the rogue, but he held himself back if only to show respect of not fighting directly over Leafsong's body.

"No I didn't," Stone insisted, his tail lashing in frustration. "I tried to protect Leafsong!" He turned his head away from Darkflight in shame.

He dismissed Stone's existence; he could deal with him later. Darkflight rushed to Leafsong's side and looked her over. She couldn't be dead yet; maybe there was still some life in her. StarClan wouldn't let her just die like this. But she was the same as Redswirl was - no rising flank, no breath to stir his whiskers. And blood poured out of a gaping slash on her throat, merging with that of the rainwater that pooled beneath her and drenched her fur.

Darkflight felt his heart shatter with his dream of starting a new family with the cat he loved the most. When did he start loving Leafsong? He couldn't pinpoint a specific answer. For all he knew, he had always loved her, even if he didn't quite realize it at the time. He should have confessed sooner. Then maybe they would have more a chance to have kits together. Maybe things wouldn't have ended up like this.

His movement slow and jerky, he lowered his head to hers. Gently he rubbed his cheek against hers, willing that somehow he will feel her responding. His legs collapsed beneath him and he fell on his flank, wrapping his legs around Leafsong's body to bring her closer to him. With a heavy heart, he pressed his head to hers, lying silently in the rain and wind with her, sadness choking him.

The tom didn't know how much time passed, how many bolts of lightning struck before he felt a soft nudge. Turning, he saw Dapplerock looking down at him wistfully. Behind her he saw the shadows of the rest of their Clanmates. Firestar was ordering Brambleclaw and some other cats to return to the camp; they skirted around Darkflight and Leafsong, casting mournful glances their way before hurrying back toward the forest.

Dapplerock crouched down beside her brother. Her voice was barely audible above all the sounds of nature. "Is she...?"

Darkflight responded by dropping his head.

The brown-and-black she-cat didn't say any more. Instead she pressed her nose into his shoulder fur in an attempt to comfort him.

At the abrupt movement of Leafsong's body, Darkflight snapped his head up to see Dustpelt and Brackenfur beginning to lift her up.

"What are you doing?" he snapped a bit too harshly.

The two warriors paused and exchanged a glance at one another. "We're taking her back to camp with us," Brackenfur explained lightly. "We can't just leave her here."

They started moving the body again when Darkflight stood up swiftly. "I'll carry her."

Dustpelt blinked at him. "Alone?"

They only needed to look at the black tom's face to know the answer.

Leafsong's body was only a light weight as she was laid out on his back. Almost too light, as if her spirit was what gave her most of her heft. Dapplerock and Whitesnake walked beside him, ready to catch the body if the strong winds blew it from its perch. Darkflight spared a glance at the gray-and-white tom; he walked on with his head lowered and shoulders hunched. He wondered what the tom was thinking about and felt he should say something to him, but at the moment it was all the dark-coated warrior could do to put one paw in front of the other without crumpling to the ground.

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