Who The Hell Are You...? Pt. 2

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Fuyumi drew Sound Splitter and pointed it towards the suspicious man.

"What the hell are you...?"

Kaine augmented his kagune's projectiles and shot them pass Fuyumi and into the mysterious being, filling his body with gaping holes. Kaine charged at him to slice off his head and get rid of the mysterious being. As the blade was about to make contact with his head, the blade was kicked to the ground and Kaine was sent flying back into the direction he came.

"Young Master! Gugh!"

Fuyumi was pierced by numerous black blades protruding from the ground. She began to choke on her own blood as the blades pierced further through her. She turned her head and saw another of the hostages getting up.

"Aw, Adriel. I wanted to do that."

The first man gets up and his wounds begin to heal. Kaine gets up and looks at the two individuals. He smelled the air and noticed that they smelled different. They didn't smell like ghouls, nor did they smell exactly like humans. Something was... off. The man takes off his gloves and rolls up his sleeve to reveal mechanical arms.

"Who the hell are you..? What the hell are you? No human should have those abilities! Nor should they be able to heal from those wounds, let alone survive them!"

"The name's Ansel, but you'll come to know me as Arbiter. As you must've heard me say earlier, my partner's name is Adriel, who you'll come to know as Plague. We're anti-ghouls, modified humans, whose sole purpose is to destroy AGALE/A and make humanity understand and accept ghouls as nothing more than man-eating monsters."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I should be shocked by more: the revelation that there are modified humans wishing to destroy our organization, or the fact that you think you even have a chance at beating us. Regardless, I'd appreciate it if you put my associate down."

"Adriel. Put it down."

The blades melted and began to envelop Fuyumi. It took a hold of her and threw her at Kaine. Kaine catches her, sliding backwards due to the force behind the throw. He looks down to briefly assess the damage. Arbiter grins and turns around to leave.

"I'll be seeing you around 'X-O'."

Kaine looks up, glaring at the two anti-ghouls.

"The two of you have no chance of destroying AGALE/A."

"Two of us? Oh you poor thing. Didn't you hear? Anti-ghouls are all the rage these days."

Arbiter laughs diabolically and continues to walk away with Plague following closely behind. Kaine takes a deep breath, laying Fuyumi down. He jumps in front of them in the blink of an eye and swings his kagune blade at Arbiter. Arbiter uses his arm to stop the blow. He uses his second arm as well to deflect Kaine's attack as it was heavier than he anticipated. After deflecting the attack, the two exchange blows with Kaine easily beating him out and knocking him backwards. Arbiter lunges back into an exchange with Kaine, along with Plague and the two begin a coordinated attack against him. Kaine handled himself in the two on one fight, constantly rendering one unable to fight, allowing him to focus on the other. As they continued to clash, Arbiter and Plague seem to become increasingly coordinated in their attacks. However, this barely fazes Kaine at all, as he continues to fight the both of them without needing to release his kagune.

"These two are strong."

Kaine sends Arbiter flying, and focuses on Plague as her attacks are the most bothersome to deal with. Her body was made up of a black slime like substance that was difficult to deal with using ordinary means. He imbues energy into his fist and punches her in the left lung. Her body absorbs the impact but the energy in his fist does damage. Noticing this, Kaine imbues even more energy into his other hand and punches twice in the face, then blasting her with the energy from his fist, out of the floor window. As she gets outside, Kaine detonates the energy which blasts her body apart with each part falling to the ground. Seeing his partner fly out the window, Arbiter begins to feel nervous as he realizes that they may be biting off more than they can chew while fighting Kaine. Plague reforms her body before landing onto the ground and climbs back onto the thirteenth floor where the battle was taking place. The two decide they need an opening to escape as their chances of winning are slim. Arbiter blasts a stream of black flames towards the hostages, which Kaine jumps in front of to block. He uses an energy blast to direct the fire upwards into the ceiling, saving the hostages. When all the fire is dissipated, he finds that the two of them are long gone. Even though the fighting had stopped and the fire was put out, a woman among the hostages shrieks in terror. Kaine had noticed a different smell in the room and immediately understood what was happening, a few of the hostages awakened as zombies.

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