The Hunt

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A week later, at an AGALE/A vehicle depot near their Africa headquarters, Casey Braun, the number one ranking agent was ambushed by a band of self-repairing, learning humanoid androids. She's a short, light-skinned girl with a fair skin complexion and freckles in her early teens. She has loose curly hair that she keeps the top in two braids into a bun and the sides and back worn loosely. She often wears a white necktie blouse with black ripped jeans shorts. Their fight had dragged on long enough that the androids drove her into a corner. Bruised and bloodied all over, she decides that the only way to destroy them or at least flee is to release her kagune to destroy them and escape. Her kakuja mask begins to form around her, taking the form of a partial mask. It covered the bottom half of her face - forming jaws with teeth - and the sides of her head, forming horns pointing upwards. Her bikaku kagune became somewhat armored as hard scales formed a layer over the usual fluid moving serpentine-like tail. She got into a stance, challenging the androids to come at her once more. The androids didn't take the bait, instead, they waited and as they do, two people come out from the darkness.

"Thank you Salamander. Because of you our androids have plenty of combat data and can simulate tons of combat simulations for our recruits."

The androids begin to retreat behind the man wearing a lab coat. The man on his side, towering over him wearing armor, steps up and snorts at the sight of Casey.

"Warthog, capture it alive. We'll need it for future experimentation."

The large barbarian like man runs towards Casey, crushing the ground beneath him with each step. He wasn't very fast, but he seemed to be incredibly strong. Casey grits her teeth and prepares to hold her ground. The man went in for a wide swing. Casey dodges and dashes in for a hard jab to his sternum. She follows up by jumping up to meet eye to eye with the 7' barbarian and greets him with a headbutt. As he was going to be launched from the headbutt, she catches him by the neck with her tail and brings him back towards her. She catches his head in her hands and delivers a knee to his face. He falls over and she looks over to the other man and the androids with anger in her eyes.

"Who said you can leave?"

The man in the lab coat looks at her then looks at Warthog. He glares at the supposedly unconscious man and sighs.

"Get up you oaf and collect that specimen! It's essential for further improvements to the anti-ghoul project."

Warthog gets up and he barely shows any signs of taking damage.

"You should've stayed down you insufferable old man."

The mouth on her mask begins to open up and her drooling mouth begins to show. The look in her eyes changes from angry to ravenous. She looks at Warthog and runs at him, closing the distance before anyone could even notice her movements. She jumps on him, biting a chunk out of his neck. She chews on it a little then immediately spits it back out.

"Holy crap, that tasted nasty! What the hell are you? You aren't human at all."

The chunk she had just bitten out of his neck had already begun to heal. To her horror, he healed and shook it off as if nothing had happened to him. He begins to walk up to her and his unphased demeanor begins to annoy her. She clenches her fists, grits her teeth and beats her tail against the concrete ground angrily. He walks right up to her and they are now in front of one another. She looks up into his cold, piercing eyes and he looks down into hers. He goes to sweep kick her, but as it's about to connect, she disappears. She appears in front of his face, grabbing him by the head and slamming him into the ground. She tightens her grip and the sound of grotesque cracking can be heard. She squeezed until the man was dead. She had crushed his skull to the point that grey matter was oozing from his skull and his body was lying in a pool of blood.

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