Chapter 1 | Red Heels

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Hi! Welcome to my first chapter of this book. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of this so let's get straight into it. Leave some requests in the comments and don't forget to vote! Enjoy, ly.

Some background info: you're Jughead's cousin and you flew in from LA. A little random but, whatever. Your family bought the home next to Betty's who you already know, cus Jug brought her as a guest to your birthday last year. Also Archie is not a total stranger to you anymore since Jug talks about him a lot.


Your P.O.V.
"So, first day huh?" I looked up from my lunch to see Jughead making his way over to my table. "That obvious?" He settled down next to me and took a bite from his apple. "Yeah. A little." I laughed softly. "You'll like it here, I promise." After we caught up a little more he suggested that I'd come join him and his friends, so I did. "I swear to god, sometimes it feels like they're the only decent people in this town." I nodded being a little excited now actually. I didn't really have any friends yet and it was nice to see some familiar faces as well.

"Guys?-" He said approaching the group of people in front of us. "this is my cousin, Y/n." I heard Betty gasp and she quickly brought me into a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in so long!" I chuckled agreeing with her. As she let go of me I took in the other people that were sitting at the table. A raven-haired girl with a beautiful smile wearing what I assumed was a cheerleading outfit and a guy who gave me a gay vibe right away. "Hi y/n! I'm Veronica, but you can just call me Ronnie". She said shaking my hand. "I've heard many things about you." She said staring me down biting her lip in the process. The guy next to her, which I didn't know the name of yet, gave her a stare of disbelieve in response. "What? Just introducing myself." Veronica said. "Right." He then turned to me. "I'm Kevin by the way. Nice to meet you!" He said waving and I returned the gesture. Yeah, he was definitely gay without a doubt. 

"Guys, where is Archie?" Jug asked sitting down too. "Football practice." Ronnie answered. "Or maybe it was music tutoring? Not sure." We finished our lunch together and then it was finally time for my first class at Riverdale High. Which just so happened to be Biology.  "So what made you choose Biology?" I asked Veronica, because I was interested in the class. Not to be judgy or anything, but Veronica didn't seem like the girl who loved to learn about nature. Or anything in that sector really. "Well I guess it just seemed interesting to me." I nodded, though I was still kind of confused. "Okay class, take your seats and open your books on-" That's when it occured to me: I didn't do any of my homework. Did I have to do anything in the firstplace? It's my first day. "Excuse me?" Mrs. Severlyn interrupted looking over at our direction. Oh fuck I knew I had to do my homework. "Miss Lodge, I remember you not being in this class?" Wait what? "Yes, thats true. My dad made me transfer classes." She explained making a few guys scoff. "Daddy's girl." A guy whispered not so softly making Veronica's head snap towards him. "What was that Chuck?" She asked him but he just laughed it off with his friends. Why were these guys so mean to her? "I suppose we can continue the class then. In 1996 the very first-"

I was finally done with my classes for that day so I made my way over to my locker. "Y/n!" I turned around to see Kevin walking towards me with a worried look on his face. "Dont look up right now but Cheryl is looking at you." I laughed a bit wondering why she didn't just come up to me. "Why? Is she special or something?" He shook his head already knowing what I was going to do. I looked up and saw that she was indeed looking right at me. We locked eyes for a second, before she said something to her friends. Who the hell is she?

The Next Day
"So, Archie. How's life in a PG world?" Veronica asked him as we made our way over to the bleachers for lunch break. I was sitting to the right of Veronica with Jug and Kevin behind us and Betty and Archie in front. Noone knew what she meant with that question so she sighed explaining it to us. "PG? Post-Grundy? What, too soon?" Out of nowhere there was Cheryl holding something that looked like a pile of envelopes. She had that look on her face that told everyone to just fuck off but to me, it looked like something different. I didn't know what it was just yet. "Sorry to interrupt the Sad Breakfast Club." That made me laugh really hard for some reason and the others joined in as well except for Cheryl who still had the same look on her face. "Something funny newbie?" Kevin gasped beside me, but I couldn't care less. "Yeah. Kinda actually." Cheryl furrowed her eyebrows, so did the others I supposed, waiting for me to continue. "You're funny. That's all." Her eyes scanned my body before she locked them with Veronica again. "To my surprise-" She said already handing her an envelope but I wasn't done just yet. "Wait I was just wondering, Cheryl." She sighed clearly annoyed with me,but I was having so much fun though. "What now, dwarf?"

"Do you always wear that spider on your clothing?" Her eyes lingered on mine before she glanced at the piece of plastic shrugging. "When I feel like it." There was something about her that I really liked. "Listen up losers! Take these, your names are on them and to my surprise my mom invited you too Veronica." Cheryl took that as her moment to walk away. "Hey Cheryl!" I shouted grabbing her attention once more. "Y/n what are you-" Kevin tried to stop me but I just had to get this off my chest: "You're really hot!" She sent me a smile as she looked over her shoulder scanning me over, before she continued to walk away. "Fuck." I bit my lip as I watched her swing her hips with every step she took. "Are you serious?" Someone said taking me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I asked and Veronica scoffed. "Guys I think lunch break is over." Jughead mentioned so we all made our way back.

"Oh wait! I forgot my phone back there." I told Archie, Jug and Betty as I made my way back. Vernoica and Kevin were still sitting on the bleachers and he was comforting her as she had her face in her hands. I grabbed my phone and slowly sat down next to them, worried about the girl. Kevin quickly stood up and left for some reason as Veronica turned to me clearly being hurt about something. "Fuck." I gently put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "What's going on with you?" She sighed taking a deep breath before letting it all out. "I hate to say this, but I like you? I mean, I've only known you for a day, but- It's stupid really."

I looked in front of me, taking the newly gathered information in. "Wow, I am truly honored Veronica." She chuckled bitterly " I nodded. "Sure, I mean we can't choose who we fall for. We should probably talk about this later since class is starting soon." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and noticed someone was calling me. "Can we talk later?" I asked Veronica and she agreed making her way back to class. Just as I was about to answer the call it stopped. "Weird." I thought.

That's when I heard the clacking of heels approach me from behind.

"Y/n was it, right?"

A smile made its way to my face already knowing who it was. "Is it the Cheryl Bombshell?" I asked turning around to indeed see her walk over to me. "Aren't you late for class?" She asked me as she got closer and closer until I could smell her cherry chapstick. "Aren't 'you' late for class bombshell?" My eyes were flickering from her lips to her eyes repeatedly. "Oh please,  I don't need no education." She chuckled. "You're gorgeous, you know that?" I genuinely asked her. And even though I knew that the answer was going to be yes, it was still interesting to hear her say it out loud. "Thank you, beautiful." I blushed before she leaned in and kissed me. Butterflies flew around in my stomach as my hands got lost in her hair. It was only my first day at this school and I was already making out with the HBIC. Best first day ever.

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