Chapter 15 | Realisation

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*Small disclaimer: Your kitchen looks like Hanna Marin's in Pretty Little Liars (pic above)*

Your P.O.V.
The next day started off good. Cheryl stayed over and my mom now had to face the fact that there would be another person at the breakfast table more frequently from now on. Usually I'd talk to her about this, as any child living in their mother's house should, but the situation was kinda urgent. There was a heavenly smell coming from downstairs that made Cheryl and I look at each other. We quickly went downstairs to check it out, me in front as Cheryl closely trailed behind. "Mom?" Usually I wouldn't see her in the mornings, except for on Sundays. But there she was on a Tuesday, setting the table for two while I was stood in the doorway, happily surprised with the sight in front of me. "Oh hey honey! I took the morning off today so we could have breakfast together." The Beatles were playing in the background as always. "Great! But we'll need another plate though." She glanced up at me with furrowed eyebrows. Cheryl appeared from behind me wearing one of my shirts, awkwardly waving at her. "Hello ms. Y/l/n."

During breakfast my mom got to know Cheryl a little better. The two of them hadn't met before and my mom always had her doubts about the Blossoms, which only made me more nervous about what was to come. "These eggs are amazing." Cheryl complimented. My mom's eyes grew wide and no one knew if she was about to be angry or not. Then all of a sudden, a smile appeared on her face. "Why thank you, dear! I always get them from this biological farmer up the hill." Both of us were pleasantly surprised by my mom's kindness. "Well mom, you can really taste the biologicalness." I joked which got me a death stare from the woman. "So how did you two meet?" She said quickly moving on as she pointed between Cheryl and me with her fork, putting on a stern yet kind voice. "We met at school only two weeks ago." I chuckled, realising how fast our relationship had developed. "Well if I may say so, you are a really pretty young girl, Cheryl. Y/n has found herself a keeper." My mom said looking at both of us. Woah. That was unexpected. Cheryl's cheeks turned a shade of pink as she looked down at her plate, wearing a soft smile. "Thank you ms. y/l/n, you are very beautiful yourself, if I may say so too." I was beaming from ear to ear as I watched the conversation in front of me unfold. "Oh honey-" She waved the compliment off "I may only be 42, but these wreckles make me seem 50." I just continued eating my food as Cheryl commented on my mom's complaint. "Are you joking? You look amazing, but I have a face cream for you if you want?" DAMN, this is going great I thought. The rest of breakfast went really good too, better than any of us could have expected. I knew that I had put my mother in a tricky situation, catching her off guard with meeting my girlfriend for the first time, but she took it really well.

"That went so great!" I beamed after closing my bedroom door. The moment I turned around, I was welcomed by a set of arms around my waist. "It really was." She grinned as she pushed me against the door. My breath hitched in my throat at the sudden display of affection. "And her cookies are so good." Cheryl groaned before she kissed me down the neck. "Fuck." I managed to moan out when I felt her hands travel under my shirt. "No, but seriously. I need the recipe for these things." I looked down at her as she waited for me to answer her demand. "You stopped just to tell me that?" She really did always get what she wanted, wow. I shook my head smiling before checking the time. "Shit, Cheryl we need to go." We couldn't be late for school that day.

And 30 minutes later, we finally arrived in Cheryl's car. She stopped me in the middle of the hallway to leave a kiss on my cheek. "See you later, my sugarplum." She always came up with these rediculous names for me. I didn't mind it too much though, rolling my eyes at them most of the time. "Bye." I faintly spoke, nervously laughing to myself. Cheryl had already reached the other end of the hallway when I came back to my senses. People were looking at me weird. "Hey love bird. Let's talk outside?" I scratched the back of my head, feeling a little embarassed. Toni laughed at my sudden change in behavior around the girl. Since everyone was either in class or at home, we decided to talk on the bleachers. That was the first time I had seen Riverdale High's football field empty. No cheerleaders dancing, no quarterbacks training, no one. "I noticed how off you were yesterday." I started, taking my seat next to her on one of the benches. Toni looked worried, taking my hand in her lap. "I spoke to Veronica before I came to your house." Flashes of my conversation with Archie from two weeks before crossed my mind. Was yet another friend about to let me down? I still hadn't totally forgiven Archie and was not planning on holding a grudge against Toni too. "You dropped me at Sweetwater River and then went to talk to her, right?" Toni nodded. "Yes. I found her at Vixens practice." I nodded slowly sensing Toni's uneasiness in the way she spoke. "She didn't want to talk to me at first but eventually gave in."

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