Chapter 20 | Truth

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Your P.O.V.
My thoughts were driving me crazy. Since the beginning of that week shit's been all over the place. Especially my relationship with Veronica; it was doomed to fall apart, but also about to get even better. Now that Chuck knew about the secret kiss we shared, which I still needed to tell Cheyl about- time was ticking on for us. And as I went to look for Toni, to spill all about my weird encounter with the guy, Cheryl appeared.
I hadn't heard from her in a couple of days, but being busy with fixing one relationship the other fell into the background. Little did I know though that Cheryl was exactly what I needed in that moment of chaos. She was my safe haven that I could always count on, turn to during moments of happiness or at times that I needed a shoulder to cry on; Cheryl was always there for me. And it was the moment that we took a seat in our favorite booth at Pop's that I realised how much I had really missed her presence and company.

"What can I get you ladies?" Pop kindly asked us, leaning over our table a little.
"A cherry milkshake for the lady please." I started glancing at Cheryl.
"And one with vanilla for me, thanks Pop." The man nodded and said he'd be back soon with our shakes. And as he returned to his typical spot in the diner, I averted my gaze to the girl in front of me again.
"How was your week so far?" Cheryl asked resting her head on her left-hand.
"It was ok." And the only story she wasn't gonna hear, was the one where I cheat on her with Veronica. Just thinking about it made me feel nauseous.
"I just missed you a lot." I added as I fiddled with my hands under the table, suddenly realising something. No matter what, no matter how I handled this situation; someone was going to get hurt. Wether it was Veronica, Cheryl or even me, this was going to end badly. Pop brought me out of my train of thought, announcing our order was ready.
"One with cherry for the lady, and a vanilla milkshake for you y/n." We thanked him for the drinks and Cheryl took a sip from her shake as I continued my gaze on her. I put her hand in mine, grabbing her attention.
"I love-" Shit. The other girl was staring at me in anticipation, but I choked on my words.
"Vanilla. I love vanilla, it's so good." I quickly took a sip from my milkshake trying to shut myself up. Luckily for me, Cheryl didn't notice anything. The rest of our date was, compared to the slip up I almost made, very chill. We enjoyed the time we got to spend with each other again and even agreed to having dinner with my mom next week.
"Let's head out." I grabbed my bag and walked over to Pop to pay for the shakes. Cheryl grabbed the empty milkshake glasses and brought them over to us. We thanked him for the drinks once more and left the diner together, walking over to Cheryl's car. Just as we were about to get into the red vehicle, someone called out our names. I was already sat in the passenger seat when the blonde walked over to greet us.
"Betty! How nice to see you here." Cheryl sarcastically spoke as she noticed the girl's presence. In the meantime, I was breaking a sweat in the front seat unbuckling my seatbelt. I looked into the rearview mirror and indeed saw the two of them chatting up. Betty knew about me and Veronica and was incredibly loyal to the raven-haired girl. Seeing Cheryl and me on a date, loving up on each other, was probably the last thing she hoped to see after the stunt I pulled. My eyes grew wide and I quickly stepped out of the car, closing the door behind me. I approached the two girls acting suprised to see the blonde.
"Hey Bets, how is it going." Not gonna lie, this was incredibly awkward. Betty knew my secret and so did Toni. The only difference between the two was that Betty was Veronica's best friend and Toni was mine. That gave her even more reason to just blurt the secret out to Cheryl and get the well deserved justice for her friend. I told her I was going to tell Cheryl about it that day, but it felt like she was getting impatient. 
"Y/n." She greeted me with a nod, staring into my soul.
"So, you guys on a date?" Betty spoke as she pointed between us two. Cheryl luckily noticed the uneasiness and stepped in.
"None of your business, twinkletoes. Now if you don't mind, me and my girlfriend will step into my car and drive away. And I won't hesitate to run you over." Typical Cheryl lol. She got in her car and I quickly followed suit. Frankly, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. But as we were about to drive away, we noticed that Betty remained in the same spot behind the car.
"I mean it Cooper, get the hell out of the way!" Cheryl yelled at the girl as she revved up the engine. I prayed for Betty to just leave and for a second it looked like she did.
That's when she suddenly appeared at my window. "I was on my way to see Veronica anyways."
I told Cheryl I'd be right back before getting out of the car to run after Betty.
"What, y/n. She sounded annoyed and had every right to be.
"I know what it looks like-" Betty interrupted me.
"Oh trust me, I know what this looks like. It seems to me that you can't make up your mind y/n." She was about to walk away again, but I stopped her once more.
"Betty you can't tell Veronica. I will tell her, eventually. And I would really appreciate it if you would just give me a little more time to figure things out." She shook her head rolling her eyes, making me furrow my eyebrows.
"I'm not blind you know. Because to me it looks like you enjoy leading on two girls at the same time." She stepped closer to me making sure I was hearing clearly.
"I know you're a good person y/n. So proof it to me." I really didn't know what to say anymore. "You have until tomorrow." She pushed past me and left. I knew what I had to do. 

"Thanks for driving me home, babe." She took off her sunglasses and smiled up at me.
"Any time, mon amour." I leaned in for a kiss, but felt guilty right after. And that feeling wouldn't leave me until I did the right thing.
"Actually, Cheryl. Could I talk to you inside my house for a minute?" Betty's words from before kept echoing through my head and I knew that if I didn't do something now, shit would go down.
"Baby, you know Nana is waiting for me at Thistlehouse and I can't leave her alone for too long." No way she was going home. My mind was made up and this had to happen right now.
"Cheryl, you have to come inside." I told her in an orderly way which caught her off guard. She did as she was told and followed me into my house, but the whole vibe was off. Cheryl knew something was up and I felt like I was about to faint. We walked into my living room and I asked her to sit down as I remained standing in front of her.
"Y/n what's going on? You're acting weird." Hearing how worried she sounded, I kneeled down in front of her and put my hands on her knees. She looked down at me, searching for an answer in my eyes.
"What I'm about to tell you will change everything." This was scary for me, but Cheryl must have been frightened. She didn't know what was going on and as soon as she did it was going to break her. Frankly I didn't even know how she would react.
"I- uhm." I was struggling really hard to get this out. And let's be honest, who wouldn't.
"Babe, it's okay you can tell me." She reassured me and put her hands on my cheeks. I looked up at her, begging for some kind of relief. I wasn't going to get it though. Not until I told her.
"I-" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. And when I opened them I nodded to myself, remembering myself that this was going to be it. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. It was silent until I spoke the words I never thought I'd tell Cheryl.
"I kissed Veronica." I swallowed really hard, and looked up at my girlfriend on the verge of tears. My breathing became really hard and I found myself hyperventialting at a certain point. The world stood still as I was waiting for Cheryl's reaction. Her face was blank. It was empty, not showing any emotion at all.
"2 days ago, she kissed me. And I kissed her back." A single tear escaped from her eye. She questionably looked behind me, at the corner of the room, and wondered out loud: Why? Cheryl shook her head now looking down at me and asked me again.
"Why. I don't understand." Was she mad or sad, I really couldn't tell. 
"Me neither. I don't know what I was thinking...but it happened. We kissed and I broke down crying right after, Cheryl." Her lips were shaking as she couldn't look me in my eyes anymore.
"I felt so guilty, but it...made sense. We haven't exactly been close lately, Cheryl. I hate to admit it, but it's true." "Yeah and who's fault do you think that is?" I put my hand on her leg but she slapped me away and stormed off.  
"Where the hell are you going?" I watched her leave my house and just sat there by myself. It was getting cold, because Cheryl left the door open. And as I heard her take off in her car, my mind couldn't fathom how she exactly felt about all of this. One thing was for sure though; I was stupid. 

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