More kids? Ren!

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Sting and Rogue stand outside the door of the office. It's open but neither enter. Ren smiles as the boys seem to shuffle trying to think of what to say or if they should knock.

"You two can come in. I don't bite." She giggles and turns her head to look back at them. Both boys shuffle some more before walking in the room. Frosch and Lecter follow behind their owners quietly.

Ren frowns as she looks over the nervous teens. She just now seems to notice a bruise around Rogues neck and scratches across Stings face. She stands and moves to them. She lifts Stings head and tilts it to the side. She knows those marks. Those are from fake nails. She had many marks like that with her sixth master. She turns and lifts Rogues head to get a better look at his neck. The bruise is obviously from someone grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or am I going to have to assume." She raises and eyebrow as she softly runs her fingers over the wounds on the sweet black haired boys neck. They look like her own from the Nomu.

"Our foster parents weren't happy we were going away for the weekend." Sting states, holding his head high. He's use to it, he's always taken the beatings for Rogue. Rogue was quiet and let it happen while Sting was outspoken and prideful. He wouldn't let their foster parents touch his best friend/brother.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asks them both a frown seemingly permanently set on her lips. She can't believe she didn't notice it. But then again, how long did it take her to notice Katsukis abuse?

"I don't have an open bedroom..." she says out loud her frown dropping deeper. "But if you are both okay with it, I have a basement. With a little work we can split it in two rooms and put a bathroom down there for you."

"What?" Rouges eyes widen and he shakes his head. "No, you don't have to do that!" Sting looks down a frown on his lips as well.

"Nonsense." She waves her hand at them both. She smiles and makes Sting look at her so she can look them both in the eyes. "If you think for a second I'd let you stay with people like that, then think again. I would love having you both join my family. You're both amazing young men."

"Do you like cats?" Frosch asks as he peeks around his owner.

"Oh I love cats! Especially green and red ones." She smiles and kneels down. "Lecter, Frosch, how would you like to come live in my house?"

"If Sting says it cool, then it's cool." The red cat nods his head and looks to his owner for confirmation.

"Yagi Sensei, we cant impose on you."

"You think you'll be imposing?" She snorts and shakes her head. "Please. Hisoka adores the both of you and that's all the confirmation I need. Besides, I adore you. I'd love to have two more wonderful boys running around the house."

"Toshi-Chan..." Ren sits on her bed phone in hand. "I did something."

Toshinori shakes his head fondly on the other end of the line. "What did you do, my love?"

"I offered our basement to two teenage boys and two talking, flying, cats. Bulldozer and Cementoss will be at the house later today to renovate..." Ren admits softly waiting to be scolded.

"You adopted more kids then? Are these two from Titus's bunch?" Toshinori asks as he sits down on the couch beside his son.

"Is that mommy?!"Hisoka asks loudly before stealing the phone from his fathers hand and taking off running. "MommY, mommy!" He yells into the phone.

Ren laughs and lies back in her bed. "Hello my little love. Are you being good for daddy?"

"No!" He snickers still running from his father who's calling for him to stop and give the phone back.

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