Im fine

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Ren stands outside the gates with her class. "Alright. Some of you only have one or two bands. So, we've decided to give you until the end of school today. So get you asses on your bus and let's get to school." She yawns and stretches her arms above her head.

"Soka, let's go. You don't have school today so you're with me." She scoops the boy into her arms and beams at him.

"Cool!" Hisoka yells happily and clings to we.

"Hey shouta." Ren turns her head and smiles at her brother. Shouta moves into her classroom and takes a seat next to her desk.

"Why are you here." He asks her.

"I work here?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"You should be at home resting Ren." He scolds and Ren sighs.

"I'm fine Shouta. It's not my first time." She answers and puts her pen down.

"That doesn't matter. You experienced something.. horrible and should be home resting." He scolds lightly.

"I can't. If I slow down and.. I'll think more about it and I don't want to. I want to work and.. I want things to be normal."

"What's wrong with mamma?" Hisoka looks his uncle in the eyes.

"Nothings wrong with me, my love. You uncle just thinks because I didn't get much sleep over the weekend I should go home and sleep." She smiles softly at the boy.

"Oh." Hisoka frowns and moves to his mothers lap. "We can go home and sleep mommy. If you're tired I'm sure Nezu won't mind!" He beams, proud of himself.

"I'm fine my love." She kisses his head softly.


"I bet you're feeling pretty ruff." Hound Dog states as he takes the seat across from Ren.

"I'm fine." She smiles stiffly at her friend. "If be better if people stopped asking me how I was doing."

"You went through some ruff stuff over the weekend. No one woof blame you if you were walking with your tail tucked between your legs." He promises her.

"Does everyone know?" She clenches her jaw. Hound Dog nods his ears pinned to his head sadly.

"You lost a pup, that's some ruff stuff."

"Not the first I've lost. I know how to handle it now. So, don't you worry about me." She smiles at him. It's so fake even he can tell.

As Monoma passes Hagakure in the halls he allows his fingers to gently touch her skin and he activates her quirk turning invisible himself. He stops outside of Rens class and quickly strips. A blush covers his invisible cheeks as he walks into the classroom where Ren sits at her desk scribbling away at a stack of papers. She seems irritated, he notes as he walks up behind her.

She sighs and leans back In her chair with her eyes closed. He picks up for rubber knife she's left on her desk, for when students try and 'kill' her. He quietly places it on her neck.

Ren jumps and let's put a surprised sound. Before looking down at the knife on her neck. She laughs and her shoulders relax.

"Well Toru, you've got me this time." She pulls off a black band and holds it up.

"Not Toru Sensei." He snickers.

"Monoma?" Her eyes widen and she beams. "Good job, I didn't see that one coming. Go get dressed and we'll talk."

"Alright Sensei. But I still want my band!" He beams and leaves the classroom.

"Hello Nezu." Ren smiles and takes a seat in the mouse/dog/bears office.

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