A earful of trouble

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I got bored and watching the movies enough times to restart my writing brain.


I was excited because of two reasons. One, new Villain kids are coming today and I might have a chance to make a friend. Two, it is Christmas Eve and I love talking to Santa Claus.

I got dressed in my normal outfit. Patchwork leather jacket, Black choker with the skeleton bow, ripped black pants and leather boots. I looked in the mirror and I noticed something missing.

"Carlos! Your dog stole my ear again!!" I shouted as I stuck my head out the door.

"Sorry! Meet me in Evie's room and she can patch it up for you."

I could hear him scold his dog as I closed the door.

One problem with have a skeleton and a rag doll as parents. I am literally a bag of bones. Instead of flesh for skin, it is cloth. I can walk around without the skin but I don't want to scare everyone.

After I made sure that nothing else is missing, I walked out and headed to Evie's room.

"Hallow! I fixed up your ear good and new!" She said as soon as I walked in.

For someone, who's mother likes to hunt puppies, he can pull off the dejected puppy look really well.

"Sorry again, I don't even know how he got into your room."

"At least it doesn't hurt when it goes missing so no harm done!"

Because it was a hard to reach part, Evie helped stitch the ear back on. She jumped when the door slammed open.

"The new kids are here!" Mal shouted as I yelped in pain.

"That actually hurts! Please get the needle out of my skull!" She pulled it out and I rubbed the area with the crack. "That is going to take a while to heal."

She kept on saying sorry the whole time we walked to the drop off limo location. I rarely hang out with the VKs, mostly whenever Dude decides that I look like a giant walking treat or toy.

Every student was waiting there to see which Villain Kids are joining. I could not tell if they were scared of the VKs still or of me because they cleared a pathway so we could watch up close.

The limo drove up and the door opened. The first kid was wearing a black suit and he had greenish yellow hair. I could hear whispers as people tried to guess who he is the son of.

Then, a girl with colored pig tails climbed out. She looked as colorful as the goody two shoes here.

"Dizzy!" Evie screamed and I think I am deaf in one ear now.

I saw a flash of red as the next boy climbed out. He had a smirk on his face as he looked around. He was wearing eye liner that made his blue eyes pop.

"Ben! Have you thought about joining the pirate's life yet?" Holy dam, I like his thick accent.

"The pirate life is not for me." King Ben told him.

"Too bad." He waved a hook as he spoke and I could not stop the laugh.

His hook had a wine cork in the tip and someone drew an angry face on it. He turned towards me and I saw a playful glint in his eyes. Before he had a chance to say anything. The last girl climbed out.

Everyone was shocked that Urma was allowed in the school. It has been less than a month since the boat incident. The four new students stayed silent as the rest of the students whispered around.

I decided to be the bigger person and welcome them to Auradon prep.


I cannot stop laughing at the fandom wikis for these movies and books.

They say that Harry Hook's eyeliner makes him look attractive. Honey... The eyeliner just makes you stare at his blue eyes.

 The eyeliner just makes you stare at his blue eyes

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