Visitation Time

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**Harry's POV**

I was happy and curious about today. I had to go to the stupid classroom to video chat with my family. I actually miss them even though I hide it. But I was curious to meet Hollow's parents here.

"I will set up the connection for you." Hallow said as I walked in. "Hello Mr. Hook, can you hear me?"

"Yes lad, but I only see the pitch black abyss." Hallow leaned over to fix the cords and I got a full view of the booty. "Now, I can see my little boy and he has his eyes on some treasure."

"Father!" I shouted at him as Hallow quickly turned around.

I could tell that he was blushing by the glow of his orange eyes.

"You do realize how hard it is to tease you when you are no longer on the Isle."

"Harry! I have been feeding Tick Tock Hand shaped bread for you." My sister, Harriet, shouted as she popped up on screen. "If you come back, maybe he will finally eat you?"

Hallow started laughing and had to walk out until he calmed down.

"Dad, what would you do if you want to steal a treasure but it might cause a mutiny with your crew?" I asked him.

"Lad, that is a hard question that only you can answer. Does it involve the boy that just walked out?"

"Yes, Uma and Shadow want to use him to destroy the barrier. But, something in me wants to protect him from their plan."

"As much as I wish to sail the seas again. I do not want to at the cost of someone's life. It is your crew not mine."

Hallow came back and Harriet waved at him.

"Are you made out of bugs like Shadow? I can see the stitching from here?"

"No, I am pure bone under here." He waved the bony hand as proof.


"Oh, before you end the call, Gil says that he hates his job but don't tell Uma."

He hung up the phone as I started laughing.

"Sorry for keeping you away from your parents. You can go out and see them."

"I have to use the computer to contact them. They are banned from leaving Halloween Town because of my mistake. Halloween Town has the same barrier as the Isle."

I pulled him into a hug and he felt as confused as I was at hugging.

**Hollow's POV**

His chest was firm and soft at the same time. I wrapped my arms around him. Only one other person at Auradon has ever hugged me.

"You loving someone is never a mistake. They made a mistake trying to force people into their own flawed image." He pulled away and gave a normal smile. "Your eyes glow like a fire when you blush. I think that is better than other people's red cheeks."

I never realized that before about my eyes. I wonder if they do that without the skin cloth on. He pulled away from the hug and walked out.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I said as soon as they answered.

"Is it visitation time again?" My dad asked as Dr. Finklestein worked in the background.

"Yeah, I am still sorry that everyone is trapped there."

"Sweetheart, no one blames you for what happened. I am still worried for your safety."

"Also, Auradon is very boring! They don't even have Head hockey."

I couldn't stop the laughter as Dad explained just how plain Auradon is.
I spent the rest of the call, talking about the plans for next Halloween.

"Did you find someone new or do I have to make someone again." Dr. Finklestein said out of nowhere and Dad fell down laughing.

"No thank you, Doctor. I think I did find someone but I want to wait until I am ready."

"One still suffers from a broken heart but does not have a heart. Interesting."

Oh great, I am one of the Doctor's experiments now. They hung up the call and I started to put every thing away.

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