Brain Wash

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**Hollow's POV**

I ran until I slammed into a wall, actually a person.

"Sorry!" I said as I tried to move around the person.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? What got the poor rag doll upset?" Shadow said as he stopped me.

Part of me was warning to run away but something was stopping me.

"Please let me go."

"I got a better idea, come with me." My legs obeyed his command.

"How are you doing this?"

He kept on walking until we went outside and reached a clearing. He had a stack of clothes on a table and a circle of candles around the area.

"I implanted a little friend of mine a while back and webs have mixed with your bones. I can control all of you."

I tried to fight the commands but nothing was moving my way.

"You will regret this!"

"Why? No one will come save you. The school hates you. Ben has Mal now. Even Harry has Uma even though he pretended to like you." Every line felt like a stab in my chest. Then I felt something start to burn within me. He whispered a command before turning around. I got dressed in long black robes and took off the skin cloth.

"Summon the spirit of Samhain within you and burn away Auradon and the barriers."

The part of me that wanted to fight him was gone and all that was left was pain and hatred.

**Harry's POV**

Shadow was not in his room and I was worried that their plans would be tonight.

"Harry! You should stop running in the hallways. You might get hurt!" Ben said as I passed him.

"Busy, don't care right now. Need to stop plan and save Hallow."

He started running next to me and. I explained everything. We got outside as a large pillar of orange flames shot out of the forest. The school started to light up as people started panicking. We ran to the forest to get to the source.

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