Bonus Harry's Visit Part 1

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I repeat as I normally do. I am a writer, not a artist. The pics came from Pinterest. This is not part of Roll Them Bones storyline.

**Hollow's POV**

I got permission from everyone and I was so excited because of the surprise. I was taking Harry to Halloween town for the holiday. He thinks that he is taking me to the isle.
Everyone was busy in their rooms for the Halloween ball. So, I was not wearing the cloth skin.

"Lad, you would look ravishing with some eyeliner." Harry said as he leaned on my shoulder.

"All eyeliner will do is make my eye holes look bigger."

"There is more than one color of eyeliner."

He grabbed my chin and had me stare into his blue eyes. I could not see the color he chose as he worked on my eyes. He moved away as soon as he was done. I looked in the mirror and was shocked by the result. He did the exact makeup style that he has on, except he used gray and silver.

"Do you only know one style of makeup?"

He lightly smacked my head and it rolled off my neck.

"That is slightly terrifying when that happens." He put my head back on my neck as he talked.

"It is perfect on stage."

My outfit was quite loud in color. It reminded me of my mother's dress.

(Only the outfit, he is in natural bone look)

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(Only the outfit, he is in natural bone look)

"I thought that Halloween Town is supposed to be all black?"

"Nah, we sometimes have more color than Auradon. I have seen how some of the people dress on the Isle so I thought this might be better." I was fixing my outfit and I saw Harry staring at a certain body part. "Do you like what you see?"

He turned as red as his jacket and was a lost for words. We grabbed our bags and we got into the limo.

"Don't worry about some people reactions. They might be surprised at first but they will like you."

"Um, Harry. I have a surprise for you. Look out the window."

He looked as we came out of the tombstone.

"Are we in Halloween town?" He asked as the car stopped.

"Not exactly, we are in the cemetery next to Halloween Town."

He was looking around as the limo left us. Then he stopped right in front of a small tombstone that was shaped like a doghouse. He jumped back when a ghost dog jumped out of the tombstone.

"Zero!" I shouted and the dig floated towards me. "Sorry about that. He gets excited over new people."

"Why am I surprised that you have a ghost dog?" Zero's nose started to light up. "The dog's nose lights up. Ok, I think i am ready for anything now."

"Nope!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the town's gate.

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