Christmas Day

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one problem with life. There are some days I want to write but no idea and then there are days that I can't write but too many ideas.

**Hollow's POV**

I got up and was about to bolt out of the room until I remembered that I'm completely just bones. Harry was still passed out and wrapped around me. I quickly got dressed and zipped up the skin cloth. One of my arms was still bone from the giant tear.

I grabbed my hoodie and then made sure that my bony hand was hidden from view.

"Harry! Wake up! It's Christmas morning!"
I was shaking him lightly and then he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him.

"Screw waking up early. Dreams are a better gift than Christmas morning."

I tried to escape his hold but he slowly started to tighten. One arm was wrapped around my waist and the other across my back.

"I made you something and I want to see if you like it."

That perked him up and he got up with me on his shoulder.

"I want to see! Point it out to me!" He said as he walked out of the room.

"The only thing I can point out from this view is the curves in your booty!"

It was a nice view to stare at. I noticed everyone staring as we walked by. Urma looked annoyed and Shadow looked curious as we came by. He set me down right next to the tree and I quickly grabbed the wrapped presents.

"Give me mine!" He reminded me of a young kid as he begged me. I handed his present before giving Urma and Shadow their present.

I gave Evie Dizty's present because she was still sleeping.Then I got tackled from behind and Harry lifted me up.

"Harry! Put me down!"

"I love this gift." He had an insane look in his eyes as he spoke.

"I see that you are getting really close to him." Uma said to Harry as I tried to get free.

"Cute touches." Shadow was poking the fake bugs that was sticking out of his doll's sleeve. "I wish my bugs were as big in proportion as this."

Uma opened her gift and she was surprised. It was her in the coronation dress.

"Pull on the ribbon in the back." I told her and she followed my instructions.

The legs pulled into her skirt and tentacles came out. She had a small smile on her face as she looked the doll over.

"You made this for me?"

"Yep! I wanted everyone to feel welcomed here and I know that a lot of people can be rude. If the doll needs any fixing, let me know."

When Harry finally let me down, I ran back to the tree to look for my presents. Santa got me refills for my toy making kits, and my parents got me handstitched leather fingerless gloves.

**Harry's POV**

After Hallow walked away, I dragged Uma and Shadow away from everyone.

"The heart of pure is not a hidden item here. It is a person here!"

"How did you find this out?" Uma asked me.

"Last night, I was sneaking about and overheard Hallow talking to Santa Claus. Santa referred to Hallow as a pure hearted person. No one has been known as that since our parents time."

"That might it easier for me then." Shadow said as a spider crawled out of his sleeve. "This little gal can make anyone fall under my control as long as she has a few bits of web on them. They will listen to only me after that."

I know that this plan will save the isle but something about the look on his face worried me.


So, I started accidentally writing for the next chapter before this. Oops.

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