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"i want you to stay here for you safety. i will board the ship with my father and try to change his mind." jimin told roseanne.

"i am worried jimin." she said.

"do not be. i will-"

"not for my kingdom because i know they can fight but for yours. us sirens are dangerous. far more than you humans so please be safe." she cuts him off.

"i will be." the prince assured her as he left her there on the dock with the old servant, myla.

half an hour passed and they finally reached the sirens waters. the king was about to order the men to attack once he caught the sight of the sirens when jimin faced him.

"mother would not be happy about this." he tells him seriously.

"i am doing this to bring justice to your mother's death." the king spat.

"are you sure? because even veronica does not seem to be happy." he hissed.

"i know what i am doing son." his father says angrily.

"no you do not," the prince shakes his head. "and do not ever bother think of me as your son ever again if you do this." jimin stood his ground.

"then so be it." the king says coldly. "attack!" his father declared,men immediately shooting with their rifles, bows, and even throwing knives down the water in hopes to kill one of them who are currently circling the ships.

"you are doing this out of a misunderstanding! we could have avoided this if you just listened!" the prince yelled.

the king shoved him away making him stumble down. "i do not care. i am doing this to avenge my love. i will kill their queen myself." he said and walked away, leaving jimin with his head hung low.

"even if i only met his father once, i know he can not do anything to change his mind now." roseanne say worriedly.

"just trust the prince," aunti myla told her.

"i do but-" she was cut off when the ground suddenly started shaking, the wind blowing unusually and the waves came in bigger and with much more force as it crashed to the rocks and the dock.

myla covered her face from the water and tried to steady herself from the shaking ground.

roseanne eyed the ships that are in the verge of turning over because of the unusually strong wind and the waves.

"what is happening?!" auntie myla exclaimed.

"auntie, i need you to take cover in the palace," she says as she takes of her dress, leaving her in a tight dress they had her put on before the dress itself.

"how about you?" the old woman asked.

roseanne took her neckalce off and handed it to the maid. "i want you to take good care if that and keep it safe until i find it once again." the siren smiled meaningfully. "i will go and helo my kingdom and help the peince." she said with so much determination.

"but young miss!" she yelled but was to late when roseanne jumped off the dock, chanting the words which turned her legs into her tail. "be safe." the maid whispered to herself and could not help the feeling that something bad was to happen tonight.

"mother," the young siren immediately gave her mother a hug once she saw her.

"my daughter," she sighed in relief. "i am glad that you are back safe and sound." the queen sighed thankfully.

roseanne nodded with a smile and hugged her mother once more. "what are you planning to do?" she asked.

"we are to sink the ships. they left us no choice but to fight back when their attacks scarred someof our people." her mother informed her.

"jimin," she whispered. "mother, i have to save jimin!" she exclaimed and was about to swim away when one of her mother's generals blocked her way.

"he is a human princess. the son of the one who caused all of this." the older siren told roseanne spitefully.

"i do not care," she spat. "jimin is different. he knew that i was a siren and di nothing to harm or even put me in danger." she, just like jimin, stood her ground.

"yet this is happening." the older told her.

"and he did all he can to stop it," she answered back. "he is not his father and you can do nothing to stop me from saving him." she glared and left.

"you raised a stubborn child my queen," the general sighs as she faced the queen who was obviously worried for her child.

roseanne climed up the ship after turning her tail back to legs. she had a hard time since the waves and the wind continued to crash and blow unusually.

she caught the sight of the prince who immediately started running to her. "jimin! i need you out of the ship immediately. i can help you go to the island since my-"

the siren could not continued speaking, she looked down and saw blood slowly coloring the dress which her tail have turned into.

"roseanne!" jimin cried and started running to her again.

she stumbled backwards and was too distracted to even notice that the waves and the wind had calmed down.

"j-jimin," she whispered as she fell off the ship because of not being able to hold onto thw railings.

"no!" he yelled and took off his cape.

the one who shot roseanne was none other than his father, the king. he watched as his son diving down for the siren.

too late to realise how much she met to him.

the war stopped just like that.

jimin continued to swim further down the deep water, not caring if he was running out of breath. his tears were not visible because of being under water but he was crying hard.

once he caught ahold of the lifeless siren, his vision was already blurred, it was also as if his lungs was filled with water. but again, he did not care.

he kissed the lips of the siren and said inaudible words as his last breath. dying while holding the hand of the siren tightly.

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