{4}The Heist

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🌻Chapter 4🌻
The Heist

   I was watching the television with a load of junk food around me as the news reporter spoke about the new Spiderman.
"So.. If he's the new Spiderman, you're the new Venom?"

"Correction, we're the new Venom. And speaking of Venom.."

"W- wait.. what are you doing?" I looked at myself as my body was taken over black and purplish pigmentation Vice had.
     I found myself smiling at this, but it wasn't me.

"This is much better.." Vice said, looking at herself through the television.

"Vice, what are we-" I gasped at my thoughts, "Don't tell me.."

"It's exactly what you're thinking.."

Vice opened the window and stood on the ledge.
"Vice, please don't. I have a terrible fear of HEIIGHTS!!"
Vice jumped out the window and swung from building to building.

"I, I keep a record of the wreckage in my life
I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind."

    We came to a stop at the top of the Empire State Building.

"They talk shit, but I love it every time
And I realize.."

"Ah, the feeling to be free.."

"That's easy for you to say, I don't have control over my own body!"

"Shh.. A bank's being robbed. Let's have a closer look.."

  Vice gracefully slid down the Empire State Building then jumped on to another and continued to do so until we reached the bank.
      Spiderman zipped through the air, placing stickers on trademarks and street signs when his Spider senses began to kick in.
He stood a building across from the bank and watched and waited for the right time to strike.
     As the criminals were in the act, Vice jumped in.

"What are you boys up to?"

They jumped, facing their gunfire at us, "Freeze-... Venom?"

"In the flesh, but I'm not a boy this time. My name's Vice, and we're here to help."

As we walked across to the vault, they let us through.
Vice dug her claws deep into the vault's door and tore the entire thing off.
     When they got what they needed to get, they tossed us a bag of money.
"Thanks for busting us in, Vice." The leader thanked us.

"The pleasure's all mine.."

Before anything else can take place, all the robbers became pasted to the wall by what looked like.. Spiderwebs?
"You guys really don't get the memo, do you?" Spiderman walked in and placed his hands on his hips with pride.
Vice laughed rather cutely but evil at the same time.

  "Yeah, yeah I got the memo. But did you?" Vice butterfly kicked Spiderman through the Bank's display glass.

He grappled onto a building and "Phew! That was a close one.." we cat walked all the way to him with a broad smile on our faces.

"Nah, it seems like you don't. If you did, you would've known that all superheroes have a villain."

"V- Venom, but a girl?"  He stuttered out in shock, pointing up and down at us.

    We smiled again, "Yeah, but just this time the name's Vice."

We began to fire punches and kicks like a programmed killing machine.
He dodged continuously and then shocked us with his electric webs.

"He's.. really fast. How can we keep up?" I asked.

"It's a fifty-fifty. But I know what to do.."

As he  thwipped out another web. We grabbed it at wrapped it around our hand, tugging him closer and closer.

I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night..

      "Looks like little Spiderman got himself stuck in his own web. Heh, how ironic."

We chuckled flirtatiously.
"Damn web!" He cursed as he tried to break free.

That I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night..

"You know what the female  spiders do to the males when she's done with him?"

"What?" At this point, we were face to face with him and then we whispered.

"She eats them."

Vice grabbed him up, "Woah, woah, woah, put me down now." He said awkwardly.
gave him a deep kiss.

"Oh, my goodness! Vice stop!" I screamed at her.

"I'm not done yet.."

Vice hunched her back as something forced out of it. It was wings, torn-up, bat-like wings.

     She flew up and up and up with the now half-unconscious Spiderman and then dropped him. With that we flew away, reverted back to my normal self and jumped through the window to my room.
"Phew! That was close! How many abilities do you have really? some poison kiss, bat wings, what else?"

"I'm just as curious as you, I'm still thinking what else I'm capable of, just like you.."

"Yeah.. And don't go around kissing random men! That was my FIRST kiss! I kissed someone who I don't know what he looks like!" I sat there with my face full of blush.

Spiderman Into The Spider-verse 2- Venomous The Return Of Venom Where stories live. Discover now