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🌻Chapter 5🌻

     I shot up from the bed as I heard a sudden knocking on my door. I took a look at my surroundings and it wasn't very pleasing to the eye.
"Hana, it's me Desirée. I brought you some sweet potato pie. Just the way you like 'em." She placed her eye through the peeping hole, hoping she can see me.
     I gasped as I saw the bag of money lying there, open with a few hundred dollar bills scattered. "Uh, yeah. In a minute!" I packed the money in the bag and tied it, placing it under my bed.
While doing so, I tried my best to neaten up everything else and not make anything suspicious.
       Finally, I opened the door and greeted her with a hug."You smell like old books, what's up?" Desirée said, making herself at he home.
"I was studying for a test late last night and I ended up sleeping on myself."
"Make sure you get an ample amount of rest- did you hear what happened last night?"
"What?" I blankly forgot what Vice and I did last night, mostly Vice. Desirée turned on the TV and the morning news was showing.
   Disturbing images of the aftermath of the robbery slid across the screen as the lady reported.
"A robbery has taken place right here in New York City. The robbers were captured and the money they attempted to steal was recovered. All except for one bag of money that was taken away a person that looked like the notorious villain from the Spiderman comic series, Venom. Is this a potential threat? Will we be seeing more of this, 'Venom' that called itself 'Vice'? We'll have more information at 7pm. I'm Gabrielle Ford, have a pleasant day."
   In shock, I switched off the TV, almost at a loss of words. "What's New York coming to?"
"Things will get better-"
"How can things get better when the world's getting so dangerous to the point where we can't even step out of our houses. Desirée.." I sighed,
"You're sick already, you're fading away from me. I don't want the world to take you away from me.." She gave me a hug, "Hanami, you're strong. Stronger that you've ever been. Even when I'm gone, you'll keep blooming.."
   "There, there now. The pie's over there. Get yourself ready for school. Bye, my sugar rush.." She took her leave.

"That money will be used to buy higher quality insulin." Vice said.

"Since when did you  have a softness of heart?"

"Whatever you feel, I feel.."

"Yeah, let's get prepared for school. The bell will ring in forty minutes or so."
   Nothing interesting happened in school, only that everyone was talking about it. It was even in the school's paper. This made me feel enclosed in a tight space, it was hard to breathe. Everywhere I turn, I can hear them calling the names Venom and Vice and Venom and Vice.

"Calm down, Hanami."

"These voices. They're everywhere!"

"Hanami quit it, you're freaking us out!"

"I'm so trapped. I'm so alone.. It's so crowded. I can't do it, I can't!!-"

"Someone's coming toward us!"

"Who is it!?"

"Hey, you okay?" A hand rested on my shoulder comfortingly.
"M- Miles?"
"Yeah, I know you're scared. Three kids blacked out already, the staff thought it was best to dismiss school. Come, I'll take you somewhere quiet.."
     He took me to a little bench on campus across from the outdoor basketball court.
"Scary things happening now huh?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
"Yeah, it's like the New York I've known since I'm little is slowly fading away.."
"The world spins, along with that change takes place. And things change for the better, or for the worse."
"Yeah, I should know a lot about change.."

"Uh- are you throwing shade at me!?" Vice gasped.

I chuckled lightly, knowing that it was Vice I was bashing. Actually, both of us.
"So, what made you come to Visions?"
"Oh, well, I used to live with my great aunt but she's sick. A diabetic. She told me if she was to leave me, I'd better be happy and living well. So she used the last of her money to send me here."
"That's deep. Well I won some stupid lottery and my parent used that money to send me here. It's a waste though.."
"How is it a waste? You're thriving well here, you top the class!"
"Yeah, you too." He argued.
"Look Miles, if life gives you a lemon what'd you do with it?"
"Why would life be givin' me lemons? To squeeze 'em in my eyes? They're already throwing rocks at me."
"Well in your case, you take those stones, crush the lemons and you got you got yourself some lemonade."

"Well that's not what you're doing with your lemons.." Vice commented.

"Oh my god, Vice.." I said out loud.
"Oh sorry, I was looking at the big TV on the building there.."
"Ah, yeah. I read in the newspaper that Spiderman got paralyzed by Vice kissing him or something like that."
"Well, men better beware.."

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