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Jade and his family had similar semblances. But the way they worked was completely different. They were completely humans but their semblances would allow them animal insect-like traits. His father, Nero had developed the traits of a rhino. Extremely tough skin and was strong as all hell. His mother, Mina has some traits of a hummingbird. She had natural colorful hair and could move extremely quickly; she, much like a humming bird, had a really long tongue.

But that doesn't matter right now as they were having a picnic out in a field. Jade also has a sister who does not have a semblance, her name is Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Jade? What do you think dad brought?

Jade: I would like to guess normal picnic stuff. Unless we have training also.

Jade ran a hand through his black hair and played with the red tips for a few seconds. It is also important to mention that Jade and his sister are only six years apart, Jade being fourteen and Ruby twenty.

Their father stops walking as he smiles and takes a breath of fresh air.

Nero: this is the spot!

The grass was short and the breeze was blowing gently, the sun high in the sky shining over the small family.

Mina: oh!

She quickly moves to unfold the blanket and places it on the ground. She lays down on the blanket with a sigh and opens her eyes to stare at the white clouds.

The other two walk over and sit down next to her.

Ruby: I'm glad you chose this place. It's so peaceful and quiet.

Nero: Yeah; do you two have your weapons?

Jade rolls back his sleeve, his weapons were hidden blades that allowed three talons to pop out the side of the black gauntlets.

Mina: I understand you like stealth but those aren't going to do much against bigger enemies Jade.

Jade: I'll eventually find something to compensate for it.

Nero: let the boy have his fun.

Ruby: Your the more strict parent dad.

Mina: Hey! I can be strict!

They then hear rumbling coming from the tree line.

Mina: what was that?

Nero: I don't know, stay behind us kids.

Everyone stands up and ruby and Jade hide behind their parents.

Ruby: What do you think it is?

Jade: Probably a Grimm. But they can take it, our parents can take on anything.

Ruby and Jade exchange smiles but that is short lived since a tree comes flying out of the woods. Mina is quick to jump up and cut it in half with her katana.

A small Geist that's possessed some rocks burst out of the trees and runs at them, forcing the family to split from one another.

Nero: Kids! Stay back, me and your mother will handle this!

(Author: woah! I'm super tired and have school so this is the first fight scene I'm actually just gonna skip. It's basically that the Grimm left its former body after being quickly by their parents, the body it comes back in is massive then Nero and Mina are defeated.)

Sadly, both parents were defeated and killed by the Grimm.

Ruby and Jade knew that they had to finish what their parents has started; with heavy hearts they attempt to fight the Grimm.

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