A slow destruction

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Jade was still on the goblins glider heading towards Beacon.

Mina: you did the right thing in not killing those villains.

Jade: just like Batman said, "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you." Or something like that? I really don't remember.

His lenses zoom in as so he can see Beacon.

Jade: give me a scan.

Mina scans the entire building and Jade stops as he sees a LOT of red covering the school.

Jade: mostly everyone that was in the arena is here! Wait, YANG IS THERE! WEISS TOO!

He then sees Weiss getting surrounded.

He didn't notice Blake. He starts speeding towards the school until he realized that he was no longer going straight.

Jade: it died, didn't it.

Mina: yeah.

He jumped into the air and activated his own wing gliders that were built into his suit.

Jade: damn!


Weiss was surrounded by Grimm not sure of what to do. She does get into position until web bombs attach to some of the Grimm.

They explode trapping Grimm in groups. Weiss smirked and charged through them killing a good few.

Jade comes in and his spider arms take care of the last few as he jumped towards Weiss.

Weiss: your alive!

Jade: what? Why wouldn't I be?  That's not important! Have you seen anyone else? My scan only works in high areas and I forgot where I saw them.

Weiss: I don't know. We separated a while ago. Have you seen Yang or Ruby?

Jade: last time I saw her was in Vale. And that was quite the bit ago. As much as I don't like it, we're gonna have to stay in the courtyard and hope that they come to us.

Weiss: but!

Jade jumped over her and killed a creep that was behind her.

Jade: the others need our help! We need to help them!

Weiss: no! You go look for Blake and Yang, I'll stay here!

Jade: but-!

Weiss: no! Me and the others are more than enough, if we have missing people, then they take priority!

Jade nods and turns around.

Weiss: one more thing!

He turns around.

Weiss: I still love you!

This took him by surprise and actually took him a second to process. 

Jade: W-Weiss... I-

She puts her hand up to save both of them the pain.

Weiss: I just wanted you to know, just Incase anything happens to us. I regret doing what I did and I wanted you to know, that I love you. But.. you're happy with Pyrrha and I'm glad you two are happy together... please, just ...be safe.

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