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Jade was sitting with With Pyrrha in the living room of his home. They were cuddling together while watching tv until he got a text then he awkwardly got out his phone as she was on top of him.

Jade: Weiss?

Pyrrha: what does she want?

Jade: she wants to me to come hang out with her, oh Winter will be there as well.

Pyrrha: will you go? I want to stay like this a while longer...

Jade: it's tomorrow, so we get to spend all day together.

Pyrrha: great.

She looked up and kissed him.

Jade: unexpected but appreciated!


The next day Jade was sitting in a pavilion with Winter and Weiss.

Jade: my color scheme doesn't match you guys at all.

He was wearing all black while they had all white.

Winter: maybe you should have thought of that.

Jade: I don't look good in white.

Winter: nonsense! How could you not look good in white, everyone looks good in white!

Weiss: why don't we calm down.

Winter: erm, yes.

Jade: so, how long are you planning on staying?

Winter: well, I can only stay for today. I'm being forced back to Atlas tonight, I was only here to oversee troop transports.

Jade: you want to stay until the festival ends?

Winter: I doubt you could get my boss to let me stay.

Jade: is that a bet? I'll show you my spider might.

Weiss: that spider might is sure something else.

Winter goes from confused to shocked to embarrassment.

Winter: you didn't do "it" did you?!

Jade: no comment!

Weiss: yes.

Winter glared at Jade who just smiles aimlessly.

Jade: back to the topic at hand! Do you want to stay longer?!

Winter: you convince the general to let me stay and I might reconsider slitting your throat tonight!

Jade just threw out his scroll and leaned on the table.

Jade: Mina.

Her voice comes through on the speaker.

Mina: yeah?

Jade: get me Ironwood's personal number. I'm gonna give him a little call. for Winter sake and my own life.

Mina: you got it!

A number appears on the screen and after a bit of ringing Ironwood picks up.

Ironwood: who is this, and how did you get this number!

Jade: hello jimmy. Don't try hanging up I'll just forcefully make your scroll take the call.

He hears Ironwood sigh.

Ironwood: what do you want?

Jade: I want Winter to stay until the festival ends.

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