a new gem

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Back Home Jade lays Ruby down on the couch and takes his Necklace off Ruby. Pyrrha quickly went and put clothes on the girl.

He takes off his mask and tossed it on the table.

Pyrrha: so what happened out there?

Jade: she swung really low and broke her face on a lamppost.

Pyrrha: she, what?!

Pyrrha peeked her head from around the corner of the kitchen.

Jade: it was a figure of speech. But she did crash and break a lamppost.

Pyrrha comes from the around the corner wearing an apron. She was also wearing a black sweater and black jeans he almost fainted but stopped himself.

Jade: you look like a housewife right now.

Pyrrha blushes a bit and didn't know what to say.

Pyrrha: well, since Lily isn't here, I just thought I would cook...

Jade: you look great.

he smiles at her making her blush a bit more.

He walked over to an empty section of the wall and it opened it to reveal multiple spider suits and a lot of stuff Jade's worked on.

It was a mostly dark room except for the light given off by the lights by the spider suits.

He walked over to an empty one and opened it throwing all the armor he was wearing in there.

Jade: I forgot how comfortable these boots are!

Pyrrha walked in and looked at the seven suits.

Pyrrha: what are these?

Jade: in order, it's the big time suit, Stark suit, stealth suit, upgraded suit, spider armor mark three, the electro-proof suit and, this iron spider.

He was now in a black T-shirt with normal black paints and walked out of his lab. The wall closing behind him.

Ruby wakes up and holds her head. Jade reached into his utility belt and pulled out headache medication and tossed it to Ruby. She makes a perfect catch and looked at it.

Jade: I'll get you some water.

He and Pyrrha walk to the kitchen.

Pyrrha: why don't you wear anything of them anymore?

Jade was looking for a cup until he stopped and turned to Pyrrha.

Jade: well, because I have no need. Most either got outclassed by my iron spider or the reason got replaced. The big time suit was used for invisibility until I learned that I can just go invisible. So I made the Stealth suit which was just armor on top of a basic design. The electro suit gets rid of my electric power so that's a no go-

They both hear some glass break and rushed to the living room only to see nothing.

Mina: your lab...

Jade: aw, what the fuck...

The wall opened up and he dashed inside to see Ruby with a dead spider on the ground next to her.

Jade: oh no.

He goes over and picked her up quickly putting her on the couch.

He paced in front of her.

Pyrrha: what happened?

Jade: did that spider bite you?

Ruby: what?

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