Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)

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Jade was downstairs with Lily still getting used to only having one eye.

Jade: can't you like, make me one?

Lily: I don't have the resources to give you a mechanical eye. I would have to go to a lab close to her but I'm still finding one.

Jade then sees Yang walk down the steps and he decided to talk to her. The entire two hours he's been here he hasn't spoken to her.

Jade: I'll be back. Also, can I have those back...

He points to his web-shooters and the necklace that holds his spider suit.

Lily: hm... yeah.

She takes it all off and Jade quickly put them on. After this, he ran to the kitchen and met with Yang.

Jade: how are you doing?

Yang: fine...

Jade: that's good... aye, I got a question...?

Yang: what is it?

Jade: how do you reach those cabinets? They are like... fifteen feet off the ground...

Yang stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

Yang: we don't use them.

Jade just looked around and blinked.

Jade: alright. I mean, that makes sense...?

He shrugged and was just about done with this talk. It was so awkward as she had this sad expression and kept giving short responses.

Jade: I'll see you later.

She hums in response. He quickly got the hell out of there and went upstairs to the room with Ruby.

Ruby: tried talking to Yang?

Jade: how could you tell?

He genuinely asked as he went and sat on his bed.

Ruby: your face, I had the same one when I spoke to her. At least you didn't get pushed away. I just wanted to talk...

Ruby let's out a heavy sigh.

Ruby: I have a question.

Jade: yeah?

Ruby: why do we still have our eyepatches on? We have fake eyes.

Jade: mine is blue so it looks kinda stupid.

All they heard from downstairs was a very loud, "WELL EXCUUSE ME!" From Lily.

They look back to each other a little scared.

Jade: how'd she hear that...?!

Ruby shrugged with a semi-scared expression on her face.

Jade: so, when I left. What did Qrow say to you?

Ruby: something about our eyes and how their silver. Apparently now that we only have one silver eye, it's stronger. I don't completely remember everything right now.... sorry...

Jade: no! It's fine!

He got up and went to sit on Ruby's bed.

Jade: come here.

She was a little hesitant but eventually just ended up hugging him.

Ruby: Jade... do you think everything will be okay?

He leaned back causing Ruby to come with him.

Jade: of course. It's our job as huntsman and superhero's to make sure everything will be okay. We have to stay together, as long as we're together, nothing will stop us.

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