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It's been about a week since the city was attacked and things have been pretty fine. Except Jade has a cold and it's been messing with him in all sorts of ways. From fatigue to him just straight up stalling.

Right now he was leaning against a wall breathing semi-heavy.

Jade: it's like I have a cold from an anime...

He coughed and looked down to his hand.

Jade: well, at least I can see in a straight line.

???: watch out!!

Jade gets ran over by a student but they quickly help him up.

Jade: my...

Student: sorry about that. Come on we gotta hurry!

The two boys run away as Jade is shaking.

Jade: my spider-sense...? What happened...? Can I cold really do this much to me..?

He gets a text from Lily and got out his scroll.

Lily: there is a warehouse that is being held up. Do you think you could handle it?

He wasn't sure if he could actually do it but he reluctantly accepted and got moving to the location.


Mina: you are not in the condition to do this.

Jade: who else is gonna do it?

Mina: but your body is really not in the condition to be doing any of this. From my scan, you could faint from using to much energy.

Jade: well, that's just a risk I have to take.

Mina: Jade don't make me have to stop you. I've already told Lily about this and she said stop.

Jade: what kind of superhero gets beaten by a cold. Let's just hurry and do this.

He jumped off the building and swung to the top of the warehouse. The police were still not doing a thing outside the place.

Jade: weird... my spider-sense is still acting wack.

The cops seen him enter the building. Once inside he sees nothing until he turns around to see quite the bit of bombs and civilians.

He lenses shoot open and he swings over to them.

He finds the main bomb which had a timer of literally five seconds.

Jade: oh.

He had no time to do anything as the bombs exploded with him right in the blast radius.

He gets thrown into the water knocked out.

Mina: This isn't good at all. I can see it now. "Spider-Man blows up warehouse!" Oh, this isn't going to go well.

She activated his spider arms and crawls out the water away from the scene.


A day later and Jade was yet to be found. The beacon on his suit was damaged and Mina couldn't reach out to his suit. Only the onboard one could really do anything for him.

But for now, team RWBY was sitting in their dorm room.

Ruby: he couldn't have done it! That's not my brother!

Blake: I'm not saying he's guilty but he was the last one to go in and he was seen running away.

Yang: it really just sounds like a lot of accusations that can't be proven. Not even the police knew what was in the building.

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