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Jade was sitting in team RWBY's dorm room with only him and Ruby.

Ruby: Are you sure this is okay?

Jade: of course. There's a catch though...

Ruby: what?

Jade: you basically have to be naked because clothes, especially things like your dress can get in the way of putting on the suit. I'm the only one who can actually activate it too, so get naked.

Ruby: what?!

Jade: I'm your brother! Twin brother at that. It'll be like looking at myself naked I don't care.

Ruby: well, I do!

Jade: do you want to put on the suit or not?

Ruby: fine! Turn around.

He does as she commands and he turned around. After a little bit of time she was halfway undressed, they both turn to look at the person who opened the door.

Yang: nope.

She was about to close the door until she got a web to the chest.

Jade: sorry.

He sends an electric current through the web and shocked Yang making her fall to the ground.

Jade: are you done?

Ruby: almost!

Jade: alright.

He walked over and picked up Yang putting her in her bed.

Ruby: done!

He turned around to see Ruby in her underwear and he instantly turns back around.

Jade: you know, I thought I would be able to handle it. But looking at your naked sister is still weird as hell. I have an idea though.

Ruby: and that would be? Hurry before I die of embarrassment...

Jade: I'm gonna close my eyes and put the necklace on you!

Ruby: ....fine.

He closes his eyes and flipped around taking the necklace off himself.

Jade: I have no idea on where you are.

Ruby: we are such idiots! Give me that thing.

She snatched it out from his hands and put it on. It became smaller getting a little tight around her neck.

Jade: I'm assuming you got it on?

Ruby: y-yeah.

Jade: let's not be stupid. Guide my hand towards the thing. There shouldn't be any activation problems since you are my sister.

He reached out his hand but didn't know the distance between him and Ruby. He straight up accidentally grabbed her left boob. He instantly removed his hand.

Ruby: holy fuck!

Jade: Language?!! This is the most awkward thing in my entire life...

Ruby gripped his wrist and he activated the suit finally getting them out this awkward situation.

Ruby: open your eyes!

She sounds happy and so he does.

Ruby: where are the web-shooters?

Jade: on me.

He takes them off and placed them on Ruby.

Ruby: this thing is awesome! You use them like this?

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