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Team JNPR, Ruby, and Summer were walking through some woods like normal.

Both Jade and Summer were lagging behind a bit. 

Summer: We can't tell them. 

Jade: I think they deserve to know. 

They were mostly back here to talk but they didn't notice that they were actually getting weaker thanks to their already slow pace.

Jade: No, they need to know. 

Summer: Jade... are you sure?

Jade: Yes... I'm sure. If we're gonna be going with them, they need to know. At least tell them the story of the two brothers. Something close to that. 

Jade coughed and everyone looked at him. 

Jade: What... can't I cough?

Nora: ...Are you getting sick? You've been coughing a lot recently. 

Ren: I think we should set up camp for today. 

Jade looked away but quickly looked back. 

Jade: Are you guys tired? 

The four look to each other. 

Ruby: No, I'm actually worried about you and mom. You've been walking slower and coughing a lot? Was Tyrian's tail not just for show?

They try not to show it on their faces. 

Jade: No, it didn't do anything to us. But since you're worried, let's just set up camp for tonight. 

Night soon fell not long after they set up. Everyone sat on logs while Summer explained most things to them. Mostly just the maidens, though. 

Jade: Hey, I'll be back in a little bit. 

Ruby: I'll go with you! 

She was obviously worried about Jade, ever since earlier, she can't shake the sense that he's in danger. 

Jade: I'm going to use the bathroom. 

Ruby: Oh... well, just come back fast. 

Jade: Aye, aye, captain. 

That was a lie. He didn't actually have to go, he just wanted to talk to Mina about this whole poison situation, it seems much worse than what she said. 

He got a good distance away and put on his suit and went invisible. 

He leaned back and fell against a tree and slid down it. 

Jade: I'm not feeling too good, Mina... 

Mina: The poison suddenly sped up. If you go to sleep, you're gonna be out until you get help. Good news, as well!   

Jade coughed. 

Jade: Yeah?

Mina: I've found a plant that'll slow down the poison just enough to put it back to the original estimation. You'll still go down as soon as you go to sleep, but you won't die. If you manage to get a good amount of it, you could probably get more time on your clock. 

Jade: Great...! I'm in no condition to get it, I feel so useless... 

he pushed this thought away and got up. He leaned on trees for support even though he didn't need too. 

He took off his suit and became visible as he approached the camp. 

Ruby: Jade?

Jade: Heyo. I gotta tell you some bad news and slightly good news? 

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