bank robbery

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jade was swinging through the city avoiding being seen.

(Author: unlike most spider men this character likes to be more stealthy with his approaches. That's why he had a black suit. he can go loud if he wants too.)

Jade gets a call and it activated in his visor.

Jade: yeah, hello?

Ruby: where are you? I just saw you and now you're gone? I have new web shooters for you since your old ones have been acting up.

He jumps and runs off the side of a building web zips down an ally. He rolls when he hits the roof and swan dives off the front of the building to see the cops outside a bank.

Jade: they have been acting up lately and I haven't had the time to tune them up.

Ruby: and that's why I'm a scientist. You already passed middle school early at the age of 12. Now you want to go to beacon so your waiting.

Jade web zips over to a window on the bank to see 4 men in mask all spread out around the bank.

Ruby: you could probably enroll now if you wanted too.

Jade: is rather wait until I can actually apply. It's only another year.

Ruby: ugh, well hurry up with the bank these new web shooters should work perfectly with your hidden blades, they won't get in the way and I've done a couple of cool new things to them.

Jade tried to spin a web at one of the guys only for his web shooters to spark.

Jade: damn it.

He looks at their position once more and one of them move right under him.

He jumps down and kicks the man in the face launching him into a shadow. He jumps over and hits the man right in the face knocking him out. He crawls back up to the ceiling and two thugs stand next to each other.

Jade: at least their making it easy for me.

He jumps down and grabs their heads and slams them together. They're slumped up against each other as he hears a gun click behind him.

Jade: you gotta be kidding me.

He puts his hands up and turns around to see the last guy with a pistol to a woman's head.

Jade: listen here. This was supposed to be all stealth, but now I have knowing I exist. So could you just put the gun down? Make this easy on everyone?

Thug: I'm the one with the gun don't you move! I'll shoot this woman!

From the way, his voice cracked and the way he keeps moving and looking around, this one was the guy for intimidation. Jade's lenses squint as the guy points the gun at him.

Jade: keep your eyes on me. Things are about to get quick!

He whispers "please let this work" and shoots a web ball at the guy's gun and he dashed over and pulls the woman out his grasp and grabs the guy by the shirt and kicks his knee. He curls up his fist and punched the guy in the face knocking him out cold.

He turns back to the civilians as most of them take out their phones and the police rush into the bank.

Jade: and that's my cue to leave.

Before anyone could get a clear picture he jumps out an open window and jumps out and runs up the side of the building. He stands there and examines his web shooters....both were completely fried. He takes them off breaks them then tosses them away.

Jade: well, getting home will be a problem....


Ruby: where is that boy?

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