On the other side

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Grown-up Ruby was sitting in the living room as her home. Her eyes shot open as Jade walks through the garage door holding Weiss bridal style. His mask receded as she just doesn't question what they did. 

He walks by and walked upstairs and went into his room. He sat her down on the bed, as his suit leaves into his web shooters.

Jade: my dick tired.

Weiss: you have a nice room.

He walked over to his dresser and threw on an Adidas tracksuit.

Weiss: what are we gonna do about this?

She pulls down his shirt and shows the two hickeys he gave her around her neck and collarbone.

Weiss: you know my dress will show most of these?

Jade: this....this is a problem...

Weiss: it came from your love so. So I don't really care if people see them.

She laid back and onto his bed. Jade takes off his shoes and walked up his wall. Now walking on the ceiling Weiss really was surprised by him doing this.

Weiss: Well, that's the first time ever seeing you do that.

Jade: after seeing me swing and put on my suit, you still didn't believe I was Spider-Man?

Weiss: no I believed you, but it's just surprising to see someone stand- hang? Well, doing whatever your doing on the ceiling.

Jade: it's weird.

Weiss stands up and walked over to him. She planted another kiss on his lips and walked over to the window.

Jade: I love you so much, Weiss.

Weiss: I love you with my life, Jade.

Jade: same here snowflake.

He jumped down to the ground and landed on his feet.

Jade: are we going back to Beacon today?

Weiss: yeah, maybe in an hour.

Jade nods and front flipped onto the bed.

Weiss: do you always have to flip?

Jade: it looks cool.

Weiss: well it does...

She walked over and sat down on his waist area.

Jade: ready for round two?

Weiss: definitely.

He leans up and was about to kiss her until his scroll rang. He webbed it and pulled it to him and answered the phone.

Jade: Hello?

Officer: Hello, this is the vale police department.

His face immediately went blank as he started to sweat.

Officer: is this Jade Rose?

Jade: yes?

Officer: we have a Ruby Rose here. She was detained after she cut an arcade machine in half with a scythe.

He covered his face as the call continues.

Officer: this was the only number she gave us, and she said you are her brother so can you come and get her.


Officer: please. We're begging you...

The call ends and Jade sighs.

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