Chapter 2: The Rescue

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The day had gone on normally, despite the slight misstep in his schedule. After the stranger threw him back into the water, Keith hung around the surface. The stranger stood  from his crouched position and walked out of the area without acknowledging the other souls. Keith hadn't seen him since his early morning checkup. He didn't care that the stranger acted differently towards him, he didn't care that the curators rarely fed him anymore, and he surely didn't care if he even smiled again. Keith had no reason to.

He slowly snack back to his haven. The slimy surfaces giving off an odd comfort. He rested his back against the algae covered boulder and closed his eyes. Today he would imagine laughing at something; anything, or eating one of his mothers meals. Oh how he craved them. Keith gladly would have stayed hidden, but nevertheless he was dragged out once more. Eyes from beyond the glass devoured him, drinking in every miserable inch of him. Keith noticed one pair of eyes standing out from the rest.

There were not glazed over with greed and oblivion, but sparkling with disgust. The deepened brown, almost black, eyes clouded with pity. Those eyes reminded Keith of the strangers. The chocolate pair locked with Keith's own violet ones and remained. They surveyed each other. The land-dweller was young. Young Adult range. He had a large scar running across his nose as well as a prosthetic right arm. And a tuff of white hair hung over his face. The young land-dweller didn't break eye contact as he nodded once.

Surprised by the small gesture, Keith swam back a fraction, pulling on the rope still wrapped around his neck. What was most surprising to Keith was when he saw The Stranger walking up to the new land-dweller. Except, The Stranger was now dressed as one of the oglers. Ripped jeans, and a plain green shirt covered him. Keith cocked his head, Who is this land-dweller? The two figures hugged and with very serious faces began to communicate.

Keith was glanced at quite a few times during this conversation. Clearly he was the subject. The two figures then started walking towards the exit closest to his tank, never looking back. Keith then felt the rope leave its place around his neck and he raced back towards his corner.

Not thirty minutes later an army shoved its way through the front doors. The new comers were armed. Each had a black bullet-proof vest strapped to their chest, as well as a small handgun extended out from their bodies. The oglers present began to scream, their screams had been able to make it through the glass at to Keith's pointed ears. And that is what grabbed his attention. He peeked out from his boulder and saw absolute chaos. They deserved every second of it. The armed land-dwellers pushed past the running bystanders and raced to the back door entrances, the ones that lead to the tops of the tanks.

Keith was just in time to spot White Tuff strut through the door, pistol in hand, smirk on his face, and. . . a new outfit on? Gone was the black T-shirt; it was now replaced with another that read:

                 Voltron: Oceanic Defenders

Keith had been to busy staring at White Tuff to notice two armed land-dwellers walk up to him and throw the aquariums CEO at his feet. The two had a very heated conversation, it eventually resorted to violence. . .but it only affected one side of the fight. The CEO attempted to slug White Tuff, but he dodged his sloppy attempt and knocked him out with a quick punch to the forehead.  White Tuff then spoke to the two land-dwellers and they tossed him out of the building.

Keiths attention then whipped to the surface of his tank as he heard a large splash. There, surrounded by bubbles, were two land-dwellers with the mysterious tanks attacked to their backs. One was shorter than the other, with a green wet suit on, as well as short sandy blond hair. The other was quite larger than the other, with black hair, brown skin, and a yellow wet suit. He looked sick.

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