Chapter 17: Vigilant

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The few choice words Lance hissed as he nearly toppled over would've made a sailor blush. His long legs desperately scrambled under him; trying to right his uneven balance. Considering his was carrying a fairly large person; he was doing spectacular.

A breathy chuckle tickled Lance's ear when he growled. "I really hope pie is hard to bake." This time a playful growl was directed to the merman in his arms. "Shut your quiznak." Keith chuckled again.

As the pair initially began their retreat, they heard a series of gunshots, bellowing, and stomping footsteps. Both had been a little shook by the disturbing noises, but quickly decided to use the Galra's distraction to their advantage.

So, as the battle against an unknown source raged, Lance and Keith ran down the hallways. As graceful as a newborn foal. At one point Keith thought both he and Lance were going to crash head first into one of the plain walls.

That wouldn't have been fun.

The gunshots gradually softened the further they traveled within the compound. And the weird thing was -- they hadn't seen a single guard patrolling the hallways. That fact worried Lance a lot more than he put out.

It was a good thing that no one showed up, for Lance's focus wasn't all there. Ever since their kiss he couldn't stop having the feeling of deja vu. It felt so familiar; like they've done this thousands of times before. His mind even conjured up blurred and fuzzy pictures. One he could faintly depict a deep green forest; as well as a jet-black blob that looked faintly like a wolf.

Lance noticed to late that he'd been staring forward way to long. Scarlet red dusted his cheeks as he looked down at the merman. The merman definitely knew something was up. He gaze bore into Lance's own; stripping him bare.

"What's troubling you?"

Lance didn't meet his gaze as he sighed. "Nothing."

"You and I both know that's not true."

Lance slid his blue orbs to met Keith's own violet ones and bit his lip. He slowed his trot. "I--I just...," a growl rumbled in the back of his throat. "It's stupid." Lance tore his gaze away from the merman and studied the hallway; looking for any sign of an exit. His stroll sped back up to a trot as Keith said, "Is it?"

When Lance didn't answer the merman let out a soft growl. Lance frowned, "You're gonna think I'm crazy," he paused his walking. "I've been having . . . deja vu complex."

"Deja vu?"

A sudden bang echoed around the hallway and immediately they both became silent. Lance desperately searched for somewhere to hide. He almost melted with relief when he noticed a small door. Most likely a broom closet.

Lance practically stuffed themselves into the way to small room.

Keith was not impressed.

The box was dusty from no use and cramped. Very cramped.

The merman had no room to move around. At all, for he was smashed against the cold wall and Lance's warm chest. Keith dimly registered Lance speaking to him. But he couldn't hear him over the pounding of his own heart.

He tried to hear the man. He really did.

But the walls. They were slowly creeping in. squeezing. Crushing. He couldn't breathe. Where did the air go? His breaths grew quicker by the second.

He couldn't breathe...

He couldn't...



Lance realized his mistake the second he closed the door. He recognized the panic in the merman's dilated eyes as they hid. "Keith?" Lance took a deep breath, "Keith. Just one more minute." The merman's ears only flicked towards the noise, only hearing; not understanding. A seed of panic imbedded itself in his chest when Keith's breathing accelerated until it sounded like he'd just run a marathon. He needed to do something.


So Lance kissed him.


Someone's lips crashed into his own and for a moment his panic grew. But they felt so familiar, so soothing, he couldn't help but melt into the touch. Again fire raced through his veins -- that was when he realized the lips belonged to Lance.

      Keith couldn't help the low growl escaping his throat as he deepened the kiss. His fear completely discarded. He wrapped his tail around Lance's legs and squeezed. Draping his arms over the man's shoulders, he sighed as Lance held Keith's face in his hands. The sound of clomping footsteps accompanied their racing hearts. 

 And quickly receded.

      Lance dragged his hands to the back of the merman's head, where his fingers twisted in his mop of midnight black hair. Soft. So soft

      Not wanting to break the kiss a second time, Lance clumsily searched for the door handle. It took a few seconds for his flailing hand to graze the smooth metal. When the door creaked open, light immediately flooded the dark closet. 

      With his lips still on Keith's, he maneuvered themselves out of the narrow space. The merman  finally pulled away when he noticed the change in light. His violet eyes assessed the hallway once more before he breathed, "Thank you." 

      The signature Lance side smirk was thrown his way, "Anytime."  

      The man looked back down the hallway, "That was a close call." 

      Keith whispered, "I almost blew it." 

     Lance's eyes softened when he looked down at the merman in his arms, "It's nothing you had control of."

      "It is, though." Lane could practically smell the self loathing in that simple sentence. He hated it. Before he could think bout what he was saying he blurted out, "I'm afraid of heights." 

      Confusion flickered in Keith's eyes. Lance continued, "Anything higher than a roof, and I'm scared shitless. I can't even ride a Ferris wheel." 

"I never thought you were afraid of anything."

      Lance let out a soft bark of laughter, "I'm afraid of plenty. Heights, Spiders, Losing my family . . . losing you."

      Suddenly, the strongest sense of deja vu raced through his very bones. Lance staggered as his head pounded with the force of a battering ram. Alarmed Keith questioned, "Lance?" The only answer he got was the man's labored breath. 

      When Lance's eyes found Keith's, the hazy picture of the forest suddenly became clear as day. He was standing in front of the most beautiful wolf he'd ever seen. Lucious and thick black hair covered every inch of the animal and his eyes. The same eyes as the merman in his arms. Keith.

      Lance gasped as he felt all his strength leave him. He tried to keep upright. He really did. But his efforts were useless. Keith let out a small yelp as they both crashed to the floor. Lance was unconscious before he hit the floor. 

      The last thing Keith saw however, was the prone figure of Lance sprawled across the cement floor, before his world turned fuzzy then black.


Chapter 17!!!!!!

Thank You for 10k views and all of your amazing comments, they make my day!!! I don't really have anything to talk about soooooo . . . What's your favorite book/series? Don't forget to comment and vote! Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1188

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