Chapter 8: Midnight

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The challenger leaned in close to Keith, almost touching the merman's nose with his own.

"Welcome Pet. I am Lotor."


      Keith bared his teeth and growled at the man. He, however, just let out a low, rumbling chuckle. 

Lotor leaned back until he was straight again; a smooth and deliberate movement. He flipped his snow-white hair over his shoulder. 

"You are a pretty thing aren't you?" he mused. 

      Lotor was answered with a hiss. The man's constant smirk was wiped away. He snatched Keith's chin harshly with his long, delicate fingers and snarled to the merman, "I will not be frightened by your pitiful attempts to do so." He threw Keith's face from his grasp and walked back toward his posse. Without looking back he barked, "Take him to the pool."

      Keith's vision of Lotor was impeded by two large pairs of legs. The merman looked up. And up. And up. He almost flinched. The man on the right was corded with muscles, and had a large scar running over his left eye, causing it to be covered in a white film. And the man's smile held many gold teeth. 

      The man on the left was extremely tall and wiry. The man looked like he could play as the Slenderman. He had a black mustache as well as a poorly cut mullet. Okay, so he's the Slenderman from the eighties. 


"Pidge, this is not the time to play your weird eighties music!" Lance fumed. 

"I'm sorry! But it helps me calm down!" Pidged justified.

"How does listening to Smooth Criminal calm you down?!"

"Smooth Criminal came out in 2001, Lance." Hunk interjected

"It's still music!" 

"Shut it! All of you!" Shiro bellowed from the wheel, "Keith is in danger, and you are all arguing over a song!" 

Silence followed Shiro's order. Except for...

Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie?

Annoyance turned into anger, and then into rage as they continued following the trail. 

You've been hit by....You've been hit--

"OH. MY. GAAW. Pidge! Please just turn it off!"

      The rest of the clan all jumped at Lance's outburst; Pidge immediately clicked the music off. "Sorry." she mumbled. 

      It was completely silent in the car now, with only the occasional beeping of the signal tracker. The group continued for thirty more minutes. They eventually made their way over to a small mountain pass. It was just large enough to fit their car over; it wasn't paved. Only rocks and a sheer drop on their right side contributed to the path. 

      The Voltron crew only had it halfway up the bumpy road when their car shuddered and then stopped with a hiss.


      Keith hissed as the two land-dwellers dumped him into the water. The 'pool' Lotor mentioned was no where near anything that even remotely resembled a pool. The tank Keith was thrown in was a glass tube. It almost reached the ceiling; it was so tall, and the water inside of it gave off an eerie blue glow. 

      The merman was unable to move much, for the tube was only just wide enough for him to slip into. The only movement that Keith was really able to do was to turn in a circle and move up and down. Other than that, no movement. 

      The room Keith's new prison was held in was plain. No furniture of any kind was present. Neither were there any windows. There was only a singular LED light hanging in the center. The walls were made of metal, similar to the box he was transported in, and there was a single door on the North wall. 

      The merman watched the two men saunter out of the room and shut the door behind them. Leaving Keith alone in his darkness.


      Lance slammed his door shut and growled. This has got to be the worst day of his life. First, Keith is stollen by Voltron's greatest enemies. Then, they get stranded in the middle of freaking no-where! With absolutely no help around. "Pidge?"


"How far are we from Galra's position?"

She looked at her screen, "About three miles."

Lance nodded, "Then lets go."

      He started to march further up the mountain, not bothering to see if the rest of the clan followed. Without being stuck in the back seat of the car, Lance was able to notice a lot more about the area. For one thing, The forest on their left hand side was extremely green and dense. He even thought he could hear the distant chirping of birds. 

      Another thing he noticed was that the drop on his right was far--far deeper than he originally thought. It scared him just a fraction. So, like any man would, he inched closer towards the forest. The crunching of rocks beneath their feet were the only sounds between he group. They seamed to do that a lot today. 

      It was silent the whole three miles until Lance, who was still currently in front of the clan, saw a large brown and quite run-down warehouse. "Guys!" he whispered, "We're here!" 


"I'm surprised your still here, honestly." 

The merman snarled from his tube.

Lotor chuckled. Keith hated the lad-dwellers laugh, he wished he could rip out his throat every time he did so. "Can't you summon legs like the myths suggest?"

Lotor prowled closer to the glass, "Or are you just a useless creature that can't defend itself?"

Keith hissed, baring his canines. 

"That is getting old, you know?" Lotor folded his arms, "Can you understand me?"

The merman just stared at Lotor with unblinking eyes. 

The land dweller scoffed, "Of course you don't. You're just another mindless creature with an attitude." 

Keith growled through the glass, not breaking eye contact. 

Lotor chuckled again, "Until next time." he mocked.


Chapter 8 done!! Yay! Little bit of a shorter part tho. I'm really sorry if this part is really choppy and hard to read; kinda having a small case of writers block....but if you enjoyed it, I would really appreciate it if you voted! On another note, Thank you thank you thank you for 400 reads! I didn't even think I would get 3 so.... Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1013

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