Chapter 10: Acquaintances

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Lance's figure dominated the doorway, chest heaving with unchecked fury and a pistol was extended in front of him; shaking. The man's lips were contoured into an ugly scowl and his teeth underneath were grinding against each other.

"Dead." he hissed

Then all hell broke loose. Every Galra lackey in the room charged at Lance with various weapons. Some still covered with scarlet red. The merman was left to bleed on the floor; forgotten.

"Lance! What are you doing!" Pidge screamed

Hunk joined in, "Get out of there!"

The outraged man didn't pay them any heed; instead while watching the approaching Galra he simply stated, "Get out of the building. Now."

This time it was Shiro in his ear, "We can't leave you here."

"Get out!"

There was a sigh and then the sound of rushing footsteps. Lance was unable to ask where the other man was headed, for one of his attackers was almost upon him. Lance bent his knees and shot his gun. A bang bounced around the room and into the hallways.

"Lance!" Hunks terrified voice overlaid the ringing in Lance's ear.

"I'm fine."

The man Lance shot fell to the floor clutching his his stomach; blood leaked between his fingers. Two other men trampled over their fallen comrade. One with sideburns carried a knife, while the other carried a hand gun.

Lance shot Sideburns hand, blowing a hole straight through the middle as well as knocking the blade clean out of his hands. Hand Gun moved to shoot Lance but he quickly shot the other man in the shoulder; effectively disarming him.

The brown haired man was furious. Outraged. Infuriated. As soon as he peeked through he door and saw Keith pinned to the ground and bleeding, Lance felt nothing. He was utterly shellshocked. Not a thought raced through his brain for a solid moment. The merman's face was twisted from the pain he was in; his eyes closed as if trying to block out the pain. Keith's breaths were short and breathless and an occasional soft whine was heard.

And that was when the unquenchable rage conquered every thought, breath, and action. Up until the point where he pulled his pistol from his holster, stood up and uttered the truth.

"You're all dead."

Lance had no remorse or pity when he shot Side Burns a second time. It was time they had a taste of their own medicine.

The Galra around Lance all growled and moved in-between him and the merman. Each of them had a weapon. Whether it be a knife, gun, or random piece of metal they found. They all had their weapon of choice pointed to the intruder.

Lance, in turn, pointed his own gun at the mass and growled, "Move. Or I shoot."

He couldn't stand seeing Keith in such a hopeless state. He would not stand for it. He would not watch from a distance. And he sure as hell would not surrender to these fiends.

Lance growled as one of his enemies took a step backwards; his feet were awful close to Keith's tail. He swung his arm to the man and aimed at his chest, "Take one more step and you die." The lackey smirked and took one more step. Right on Keith's fluke, causing the merman to yelp in pain.

Lance almost lost his sanity right then and there.

----------aka charlie;)----------

Keith tried to keep in his scream. He really did. The merman didn't want to cause Lance any more distress, and honestly he was a little frightened by Lance's reaction. He wasn't expecting the man to care about him so greatly. He thought that he would have to make it through and out of this. . . situation alone and Lance would just welcome him back without a second thought.

Is that true friendship though? He had no idea.

Maybe this was what true friendship was. Going anywhere, anytime to help or save their friend. No matter the consequences. Were he and Lance true friends then?


Yes they were.

And Keith savored it.

But, his pain muddled mind reminded him that Lance was currently have a show-down with death. However, it seemed that his friend was winning the match.

The merman couldn't help but jump in surprise as another loud bang jerked him out of his musing. The man standing on his tail crumpled to the ground; landing with a thud. The Galra lackey's blood mixed with Keith's own, creating swirls in the already drying liquid.

The merman's gaze traveled up and down the bleeding man's body. And that was when he noticed Lotor smiling in the corner. The man hadn't engaged in any of the combat. He simply just observed from his corner, smirking and his long arms crossed. An evil glint reflected off of his eyes.

That's not good.

Another shot made Keith's ears ring, and he whined as he saw Lotor move out of the shadows.

----------charlie loves voltron----------

Lance barely heard Keith's whimper over the ringing in his ears. He noticed that the merman's gaze was brimming with remorse and -- his violet orbs were staring into the shadows. Lance wasn't surprised when the face of Lotor emerged from the shadows.

The Galra leader wore a smile that displayed his annoyingly perfect teeth and he had his hands shoved into the front pockets of his suit. The picture of nonchalant. Lance couldn't help but want to bury the man alive. (totally normal impulse...yep)

"Such a wonderful performance. I must say I'm impressed." Lotor flipped a strand of hair over his shoulder.

Lance let out an inhuman growl and pointed his pistol at the demon.

"Go ahead. Shoot me."

Lance shrugged and pulled the trigger. The gun just clicked.

"Looks like your out of options," Lotor flicked his hand at his men, "Grab him."

Lance stared at the pistol dumbfounded. How could it not have worked? Why didn't--

Lotor laughed as hands seized his arms, "You're that stupid? You ran out bullets, imbecile."

A lackey tore the gun from Lance's grip and it clattered against the concrete. Keith's whimpers floated their way to the captives ears. Tears pricked his eyes.



Chapter 10!! Oh yeah!

Guys you are in for a treat. I came up with a pretty awesome plot line that is kinda weird, but I think will be really fun to write about. I hope you will enjoy my random bout of inspiration. Also, I am thinking about writing another klance story. I would really appreciate it if you gave me suggestions on what kind you would like to see! I won't be starting the next one until I'm done with this one so the suggestions are going to be open for a while yet! Thank you and Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1126

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