Chapter 18: Awakened

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      Voluminous feathered wings boomed across the gray-- almost black, clouded sky. Each beat of his wings accompanied the cracks of thunder, creating beautiful music worthy of a king. The brief flashes of light nearly blinded the winged man as he raced back to his nest through the downpour. Each beat of his wings was a monumental effort, for he had been flying nonstop to get back to his mate.

Three days ago he learned the most important scrap of information He'd ever learned.

Three days ago he took off towards his mate.

Three days he'd held the information deep within his heart; it being a mantra within his mind.

His light chocolate brown hair plastered against his forehead; droplets crawling down his face and stinging his pale blue eyes. He was so close. So close. The deep green forest blurring beneath him became familiar. Each and every tree became a landmark for his way home.

His heart almost stopped with relief when he spotted the tan nest he called home. And sitting, sheltered from the storm, was Korbin. His rusty red wings curled around his sleek body, leaving only a floof of jet-black hair uncovered.

So close.

Lennox tucked in his sky blue feathers tight against his back and dived. His didn't bank until he nearly collided with his mate. Each winged man embraced the other in a bone crushing hug. Neither of them moved.

Three days.

      Burying his face in the crook of his mates neck, Lennox breathed, "Korbin, I-I know how to defeat him." Lennox spat the word as a curse. The other man pulled back from the hug with wide eyes. He placed his hands on either side of Lennox's face before he murmured , "How?"

A malicious grin exposed his pearly white elongated canines. "He may perish like any other."

"Even. . ."

Lennox quickly reassured him, "Yes. He may gain heightened abilities, but he is not invincible."

Korbin's eyes flashed with hope. "What are we waiting for?" He snatched his hatchet and sheathed it on his hip.

Lennox grabbed for his bow.

And then the world spun. A guy wrenching, vision blurring spin. He stumbled; desperately trying to stay upright. But instead of the distinct popping of breaking twigs, there was a wet crunch. He looked down and instead of his bare feet were buckskin shoes, laced up in a leathery bow, buried deep in pure white snow.
                    (This is for you KiKi)
      The bow creaked as Lione pulled back her arrow. Turkey feathered fletching tickled the side of her face as soft white pearls stuck to her eyelashes; each one adding to the already white expanse. A red blush spotted her tan cheeks and the tip of her nose. Each time she exhaled a cloud of frost wreathes around her head; causing her mud brown hair to be lathered with ice.

Under her coat made of wolf fur, Lione's deep ocean blue eyes had finally spotted her target. It was the largest wolf she'd seen in a while. It's filled silver and black marbled fur, would make a perfect coat— and the perfect Yulemas gift.

      Lione took one deep breath in and aimed. The point of her homemade stone arrowhead narrowed in at the beasts heart. Just as she started to release her breath, she let go.

      She watched as her arrow arced through snow covered trees, bare bushes, and gray boulders.

It landed home.

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