Chapter 13: Records

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Fluffy white clouds sprinkled the crystal blue sky, a cool breeze swept through the market flapping the canvas doors against the tan stone walls, and the suns yellow rays reflected off of the burnt orange sand. It was the first cool day in months. And in consequence hundreds of people milled around the city.

One man in particular was not enjoying the strolling people. His dark brown sandals criss-crossing up to his mid-calf slapped against the stone road as he shoved past the tightly packed crowd. Every now and then he would mutter an 'Excuse me' to any less fortunate souls who he ran into head on.

Palace guards raced after the man with shoulder length black hair and dirt covered skin too pale to suggest he'd lived here in the streets his whole life. The guards held their scimitars by their sides as they followed the street rat. Kael looked over his bare shoulder with his indigo eyes and chuckled at the rapidly disappearing men. Maybe there were perks to the packed crowd.

Still looking behind him, the thief ran headfirst into a wall, that was most definitely not there before. A cloud of dust billowed around him as he landed on the ground with a soft grunt.

Every snarky remark Kael came up with died on his tongue as he beheld the man standing before him. He was expecting another gutter kid not the pharaohs son.

Ocean eyes gazed down at the thief as the prince held out a deeply tanned hand. "Are you all right?"

Kael opened his mouth to speak, but only a croak came out. "Are you going to take my hand?" The thief's mouth clopped shut. Was the prince always this kind? A pale hand reached for a tan one and the prince hauled up the man.

Then, the thief vision swam. He toppled over, pressing his palm against his throbbing forehead. He went from standing to cheek pressed against the stone road in a matter of seconds. The headache caused mini explosions across his skull and black creeped along the corners of his vision, until completely consuming him.

Kaan woke just as the sun barely peaked above the horizon. Rubbing the sleep from his indigo eyes, he sat up in his small hay filled cot and yawned. Today was his first day on the job and he did not want to be late.

His orders were to meet King Alfor as well has Prince Lancelott (cheesy yes don't judge 😂) in the extensive courtyard in front of the castle. Assuming every guard went though the same process, he didn't question the oddly specific command and embraced it.

So he woke up far before he really needed to, got dressed in his black and purple uniform, and marched to the front gates. He was struck dumb when he saw two of the royal family members laughing and chatting along, completely oblivious to the fact that they were also here far before they were supposed to.

Kaan lost all of his confidence as the royal pair turned toward him. The prince gave him a grin and said, "Hello! I'm Lancelott. You're Kaan, correct?"

Kaan must have not done a very great job of hiding his shock and confusion as he nodded, for King Alfor just chuckled and praised, "You were the top student in your class, and who better to protect my son than you?"

That was when he realized he still hadn't bowed and a blush crept up his cheeks. "Thank you your Majesty." he stuttered as made an awkward bow, "I'm honored."

"You're stiff as a board," declared the Prince, "Run with me! Losen up!" Lancelott didn't wait a beat before he took off towards a patch of roses.

Not knowing what to do, Kaan looked towards the King. The older man just smiled and nodded in the direction of his son. Taking the hint, Kaan ran after the disappearing figure of the prince.

As he was running, the Daisies, Lillies, and assorted Roses began to morph into tall, twisting, and moss covered leaves. Bushes became vines dangling from branches high above, and extravagant fountains turned into a rushing river.

The sounds of conversing people became the singing of birds and the hissing of wind moving through the leaves. The distinct smell of pine needles, rotting oak leaves and soft soil reached his nose. Which was now turning into a long snout with black fur covering every inch of him. His arms became powerful forelegs, with five sharp claws that dug into the earth with every stride. It was a beautiful sight; a midnight black wolf sprinting through the forest without a care in the world.

Kai could never get enough of running. The feeling of the wind whipping his fur around his ears, the pounding of his heart, and just the feeling of being free. The werewolf let out a jubilant howl, damning the consequences. It echoed throughout the forest startling sparrows and deer all around him.

Kai's tongue lolled to the side of his maw as his raced his way past hundred year old trees. This is what pure bliss felt like. The werewolf was thoroughly enjoying his day when a scent hit him like a brick to the face.

He skidded to a stop and hesitantly sniffed the air. Again, the unearthly scent bombarded his scenes. The smell was not unpleasant; it just didn't smell anything of this world. It smelled of something wise beyond its years, but young as a fawn in the spring. It reeked of death and life at once and there was just a hint of cheep human cologne.

Kai was so busy puzzling over the odd scent that he didn't notice the humanoid creature sneaking up from downwind. Well, he didn't notice until the figure was standing right behind him. What a fright that was. Kai let out a terrified yelp as he took in the grinning -- thing.

It had the bluest eyes Kai had ever seen, with a freckled light brown face, and dark brown hair. What startled him the most however were the fang-like canines sticking out from the rest of its perfect white teeth.

Kai's tail tucked between his hind legs as the thing said grinning, "The names Logan."

Keith shot up from where he was laying prone on the floor. It seemed as if his lungs couldn't get enough air. He immediately rubbed of the pentagram on his forehead while glaring at the man that did this. Lotor was sitting against the concrete wall, smirking. (Jeez will his man ever stop?)

"Pleasant, wasn't it?"

Keith snarled at the man. Lotor kept going, "Only your friend needs to wake, before you will be use of me." He stood up to leave. Keith tried to prevent him from going anywhere near the other man, but Lotor only chuckled as he easily evaded the injured and confused merman. The challenger paused in the doorway and said, "When I'm finished I shall have a thousand years to look forward to. I thank you."

Lotor cackled as he left the merman to his goons.


Chapter 13!!!

Okay, so for all y'all who are confused (which I bet is everyone) here is an explanation:

Everything in italics are past lives of Keith.

Everything in normal text are just transitions between each 'memory' per-say.

Great. Now that that's over with. . . Thank you all for 4k reads!! It's really crazy that people actually like my writing. I can't even believe it, so thank you so much for everything. Don't forget to vote and comment! Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1269

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