Chapter 6: Who?

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      It was midnight. The moon was full and shone through the large glass ceiling of Voltron's centre. The employee's of the compound had long gone home to rest and enjoy the company of their families. During the night hours of the day, the rehabilitation centre turned silent. Everything was still except for the trickling of the filtering water, and the quiet hum of the water pumps. 

      Keith enjoyed these hours the most. The Merta may not have been nocturnal creatures, but Keith hd always loved Twilight the best. New creatures came out during the midnight hours and almost everything became still. But the holiday Eradyan was his favorite. It signaled to every ocean creature the start of a new year. Everyone stayed awake all night speaking with friends and neighbors, and dancing the night away. And right at the start of the new Eradyan, the ocean's plankton light up the entire expanse of the sea. It was beautiful. Keith would never stop being awestruck by the beauty of it.

      But the merman wasn't with his pod; he wasn't even in his beloved ocean. But he found that he didn't dread being here. He had Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and even Shiro. Keith wanted to go home, but something about leaving these people; Lance especially, made his heart twinge. 

      Keith swam around his extremely large tank lazily, day dreaming. The merman circled around the pool countless times. He fell into a rhythm with the silence. Keith didn't know how long he continued to swim in circles. But he flew out of his scales when a large crash echoed through the room. He swam up to the surface, careful to expose the bare minimum of himself. 

      He knew the second he saw the door to his room on the floor that these visitors were not friendly. However, no figure stood in the doorway. Confused, Keith quietly swam closer. There were no other sounds other than the normal. But, the merman knew there was someone around here; he could feel it in the air. A heavy, forbidding presence filled the room. It was not pleasant.

      Even though his mind told him not to get any closer, Keith swum just a fraction forward. Only for his surroundings to be pelted with some kind of dart. Terrified, Keith dived to the bottom of his pool, hiding behind a giant clam shell. 

      A shadow appeared over the water. The dark figure distorted by the water, creating a monstrous shape. The monster then turned its attention to behind it. Keith vaguely heard an order shouted. Then, two more shadows appeared above Keith and jumped into the water. It startled the merman even more, he pressed himself against the soft sand. 

      The figures then swam towards the bottom of the tank, directly headed for Keith's position. The merman could see that the two divers each had a long metal pole with a small point at the end. Every now and again, the end would emit an electric pulse, filling the entire tank with it's power. 

      The divers were almost on top of Keith when he resolved that they were not going to take him. He was not going to leave this place until Lance sent him back home. He knew these new people had no regard for his well being, and he intended to keep them away from him. There was no way he was going to let these land-dwellers ruin his process. 

      The divers were just barely a foot away from the merman when he pounced, eyes glowing bright. They both let out a surprised yelp and tried to back away from Keith's slashing claws. One was able to back away; the other. . .not so lucky. The merman was able to sink his talons into the divers face, blood clouded the water blinding the divers. But not Keith. He had excellent vision, so he wrapped his tail around the bleeding diver and broke his neck.

      The first diver sunk to the floor as Keith moved to his next target. This human was a bit harder to take down, because the man knew that the merman was attacking. Keith was able to kill him anyway. He dodged the divers electric spear multiple times, slashed at the tank with his claws and simply held him under until he stopped struggling. 

      Kieth hissed at both of the corpses and bolted back to his spot on the sand. Keith's original resolve had depleted greatly. He hated killing those men, a lot. He hated it. He now was no better than the people that stuck him in his rotting tank. Morose burned in his chest. 

Three more splashes sounded.

       This time, divers hung around the surface, not wanting the same fate as their comrades. The merman heard another garbled command and the divers spurred into action, traveling deeper into the now red stained water. The tank only took a red tint to the color, the blood didn't destroy any visibility at all, now that it was spread out. 

      Keith struck first again, this time going for the one in the back. He came up from behind him, cut the tubes of air with his claws and coiled around him to prevent him from moving. The two other divers had begun frantically swimming to the surface. A wicked smile twitched on Keiths lips as he raced to catch up with the remaining divers. The one only two feet behind the other diver died quickly. 

      But by the time Keith got to the last diver, they were at the surface. The two wrestled each other, splashing up a storm. The merman noticed that his room was crawling with strangers. Each had the same uniform on. Black jeans, black leather jackets, and a purple shirt. He also noticed a few of them held guns. 

      The diver gained a small bit of ground on the merman; meaning that he was only able to escape his iron grip for a split second. Keith regained his position and cut the divers tank tubes, and held the man's head under the water. While he did he stared at the intruders.

      The glare the merman gave them was nothing short of terrifying. His glowing eyes held the fiercest burning anger any of them had seen. It was hard not to shudder. But there was one land-dweller that didn't so much as flinch as Keith's gaze landed on him. More, the human took it as a challenge, they both stared at the other while the poor diver struggled in the merman's arms. 

The land-dweller than murmured, "You're mine."

      Keith could barely move before a small dart wedged itself in his neck. Almost immediately, he felt the world start to tilt, black began to close in his vision, which was now starting to blur. He let out a confused chirp. 

The land-dweller spoke up once more, "Sweet dreams, pet."

Then Keith's world went dark.


Chapter 6 finished! This was a fun chapter to write. I breezed through it like no other. I really hope you enjoyed this one. And beware. Angst is going to be the theme for the next chapter. All I'm going to say rn. i HoPe Ur aLl sCAreD bYe!

Word Count: 1200

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