Chapter 12: Friends

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      Lance was dragged throughout the compound; effectively allowing him to become more familiar to the building. He was 'escorted' through a single running (not to mention dark) hallway until they reached a door that looked as if it would crumble any moment. It was almost as if the object led to another dimension. The wood making up the door was covered in mold to the point of no return; somehow green moss was growing from the split pieces of wood and the faint sound of dripping water echoed through the dark hallway. Lance could have swore he heard horror music playing. 

"You've gotta be kidding me." Lance muttered under his breath; he then rose his voice, "This is a joke right? You're not really putting me in there?" 

      A dark chuckle was his only answer before they slammed the door open and threw him in the room. Lance landed in a large puddle, making water splash all around him. He was only able to take in his surrounds for a split second before the door closed; engulfing him in darkness. From what he saw, the room was completely empty aside from a few moldy wood boards in the corner and every wall was dirt. 

      Lance also figured out how the door had been able to stay intact all this time; the back had been covered with iron plates. He slammed his fist against it making a large clang echo around the room. The noise disturbed the countless insects and burrowing mice in the area. Lance cursed, it was almost as if he really was in a different world.

      Angry tears Lance had been holding back for so long finally broke free. They poured down his face, creating a river of frustration and sorrow. He folded his knees into his chest and wrapped his arms around his shins; not bothering to move from the puddle. Lance hid his face in his arms allowing the tears to wet his skin. 

      A sob tore from his throat and uncontrolled shaking traveled throughout his body. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why was it always someone close to him? Why did he always make things worse? Why did it have to be Keith? More tears carved their way down his face, leaving streaks in his dirt covered skin. 

      Lance leaned forward onto all fours, attempting to breath deeply. However, only a hitched breath became product and another sob reverberated another shiver through his bones. The cocky, and annoying calm man had long disappeared; becoming a faint memory. 

      This new man had been kicked down too many times; too tired to get back up. Lance had already been staggering along his life, and this had just been the final punch to the gut. His tears rolled off his cheeks and dropped next to his buried wrists; adding to the water. 

      Lance watched the ripples through blank eyes. He was past the point of moving. Past thinking. The man stared at the murky water; just listening to the drips of water, clicks of insects, and the squeaks of the mice. 


      Tears of frustration streaked down Keith's face as he growled at Lotor. Within the space of two days the merman had never felt so many different emotions at one time. Rage, Joy, Hope, Despair, Hate. . . Love. His contradicting emotions just confused the merman even more. 

      His growl turned into a low  whine halfway through. Lotor laughed at the merman's shameful attempt at intimidation. "Such a shame isn't it?" he said slinking closer to Keith, "I did enjoy the performance, however." The challenger crouched next to Keith and snatched his face between two long fingers.

      "You look absolutely horrendous!" he purred, "I hope is wasn't something I said."

      Keith tried and failed to wriggle out of his grasp, his tail throbbed with even movement. Lotor locked as if he wasn't putting in any effort holding the merman in his grip. The demon dipped his free hand in the scarlet liquid and let out a small tsk. 

"You two are very useful to me. Always have been." he paused and looked into Keith's eyes, "What name do you hold this time?" 

      Confusion swept through Keith's consciousness. The merman had never met the man before now. . . how could he have been useful? And who was the other person he was talking about? The more Keith thought about Lotor's random comment, the more he believed the man was downright insane. 

"It took me two-hundred years to find you both."

      Yep. Definitely insane. No one lived that long, not even Merta. Maybe he was exaggerating? Lance once told him that land-dwellers tended to do that often. Okay, so Lotor was either insane or exaggerating. Great. Just great. 

      Lotor leaned in so close to the merman's face that their noses almost touched. Keith growled; this close he could smell the coconut chapstick smothered of the man's lips. The demon's smile converted into a scowl as he said, "You still haven't awoken? After every hint I've produced?" 

      Keith's confusion only grew. What the hell was this guy talking about? What's with being awoken? The Merta was fairly sure he was awake, unless this was the most elaborate dream he'd ever experienced. If so, his mind had done a fantastic job. 

      Out of the blue, Lotor's palm collided with the merman's cheek, imbedding a red handprint on his skin. Nope, definitely not a dream. Keith hissed at the man still squeezing his cheeks together. The challenger hissed back; the sound completely inhuman. 

      Keith was rattled to the bones. Nothing was supposed to make that noise. It was a mix between a snakes hiss and the growl of a lion, and Keith hoped against all hopes that his eyes deceived him.

      For what he saw would be forever imprinted in his mind. Lotor's tan face turned a pale purple, his ears grew into a fine point, long canines similar to his grew, and his blue eyes became completely engulfed in a glowing yellow. 

      Lotor sneered at Keith's stunned and terrified face. "Shall I recover your memory?"

The demon then pressed his blood covered finger against the Merta's forehead, sending him hurtling into the white oblivion.


Chapter 12!!!

I hope you liked the langst in this chapter as well as the weird kinda mystery of who (or what) the heck Lotor is. Also, happy late Independence Day! Hope all y'all who celebrated it enjoyed you're day! Don't forget to vote and comment and Stay Sweet!

Word Count: 1082

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