Chapter 12: Tired Breakfast

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        I lay restless in my bed that night, the events of the day playing in my head over and over like a broken record. Namn, Fabian and, even the feeling of guilt I have leaving him. When we got to school on Monday (Apparently humans go to school only five days a week, and only for 9 months. We Angelics go seven days a week, every month) 

        I take a deep breath. Tomorrow, Cat is dragging us to some corn maze as a celebration of my arrival. I am finally welcomed somewhere. Something settles in my stomach. I need to get over the past. But then again, will I ever? For years I lived in timid fear and sorrow of the mourning. Could I ever really break my shell? 

        By the time I doze off, Danny banging on my door screaming "THE REDCOATS ARE COMING!!!!!! C"MON, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" I have no idea what this means, but I wake up anyway. I throw on a shirt and jeans and slip out the door. Danny is leaning against the wall opposite to me, her iPod on. I'm seriously considering if that device is attached to her ears. 

        "Mourin'." She states, not looking up from her favorite invention. 

        "Hi." I say, trying to brush my hair with my fingers. I'm failing. "Did you sleep well?"

        Danny's head shoots up like a bullet and glares at me with her cold, grey eyes. I stop myself from backing up and going back into my room. Although I've learned to trust Danny, she still intimidates me a little. She clears her throat, the anger vanishes. "Yeah." She lies. I gasp quietly. At home, we learned to tell when people lie. I pride myself in that skill, but if I wasn't trained to do so, Danny would've completely fooled me. I can't understand how someone could be so good at something so dreadful. Sure, I lie. But that's to protect other people. Why would you lie about a bad night's sleep? She starts down the hall, and I have to practically run to keep up with her. Damn tall people. 

        On the ground floor, and collapsible table is set up in the center of the room. Bo is hunched over his cereal, ignoring everyone and being grump as usual. Cat's sitting on the other side, glancing out the dirty window.  She looks up and smiles as she sees us approach down the rusted staircase. 

        "Hey!" She cries, scaring the crap out of Bo, who promptly falls on the floor. Cat's eyes go wide but she makes no attempt to help him. To my shock, Danny rushes over to help Bo up. Bo looks shocked too, but a little pink in the face. I smile, but cover it up with my hand. Maybe...........

        Bo sits himself in the chair and nods. Danny doesn't do anything and sits down in the empty seat next to him. I follow, and sit next to Cat. 

        "Good Mourning!" She says in a sing-song voice. I laugh and pour myself some cereal. Danny's iPod continues to blare at top volume, and Bo returns to sulking. 

        A door bangs open behind us, and I whip around to see Fabian. He looks awful, if that's possible for him. His shirt is buttoned wrong, his midnight black hair messy, and dark shadows cover the skin under his brown eyes. Even Bo looks up as he enters, and plops himself at then end of the table. He nearly misses the cereal box and pours some on Bo, who growls and just pours in for him, muttering under his breath about idiotic brothers and stupid mornings. Fabian smiles a guilty smiles and tries to pour the milk. Before I can stop myself, I reach out and grab the gallon. He blinks, but looks to tired to look surprised. 

        "For goodness sake let me do that for you. Did you even sleep at all?" I say, a slight smile dances on my lips. "Did anyone except for Cat sleep well last night?" 

        Car shrugs and continues eating her breakfast. 

        I look back and finish pouring the milk. 

        "Thanks." Fabian replies to my action. His voice cracks halfway through. Boy, he must be really tried! I think. 

        "So gang," Fabian starts off, clearly wincing at the sound of his own voice. "Today is the maze.........." He suddenly falls over into his bowl of cereal. Bo rolls his eyes and contonues to eat. I look around in alarm. 

        "Did he just fall asleep?" I ask.

        Danny shrugs. "I think he did." Catalina tells me, she gets up. "Well, I've got an adventure to plan! Be ready at 1 or I'll kick you in the head!" With that happy note, Catalina pushes herself up the stairs. Bo nods in my direction, and pulls a stunned Danny along with him. I glance back at Fabian, who is still contently asleep in his breakfast. I yelp and whip him out by his cereal. He gasps and fings his hands around, smacking me in the face. Despite myself I scream. Memories of my father attacking me fill my head, and it makes me close to sick. 

        "Julian!!" Fabian yells somewhere close  to me. I slowly come back to the real world. Fabian is peering over me, I must've fallen. My head hurts, and I raise my hand on command. Fabian's eyebrow are drawn together in concern, his hair wet from the milk.

        "You smacked me!" I yelp. I shoot up like a bullet. Fabian backs away just in time. I hope I look intimidating, but I know I do not. 

        "I didn't mean to!" Fabain protests, raising his hands in surrender. "But are you alright?"

        The sentence scares me, for some reason out of the blue. I don't think I'm ready to tell people yet about my history. But, Fabian stares at me, into my soul, and I close my eyes. 

        "I...." I can't finish my thought. "Fabian-"

        "Did someone hurt you?" 

        I sigh and push the tears away from my eyes. I can't cry here, not right now, not here. 

        "Julian?" His voice is soothing and runs over me. I close my eyes again, 

getting mad at myself when one tear falls. I am shocked when a hand brushes it away. I whip my eyes open and the hand is gone, but I know ti's Fabian's.

        I cough. "I will tell you, but not today." 

        Fabian nods, still looking directly into my eyes. "I'll take that for now." He smiles alittle, but I can see his eyes drooping. I get up, and so does he. 

        "I think you should go to bed, Fabian. We'll wake you when it's time to go." I state, feeling my cheeks go warm. 

        Fabian nods but opens his mouth to protest. "I need to-"

        I place my finger to his mouth, surprising myself and Fabian. I know I'm blushing an awful shade of scarlet. "You need sleep." I say regaining my voice. "Go."

        I starts off towards his room, but stops to turn around to see me. I smile lightly, and so does he. 

        What is happening to me?  

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