Chapter 17: The End is Near (part 1)

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        Fabian's head shoots up and stares at me with his beautiful eyes. 

        "How did you get in here? I have a dial on the door?" Fabian states, bewildered. 

        "Um, lucky guess." I answer quickly, running up to him. I hand him the paper and study his face as he reads it. His eyes grow wide and he stands up abruptly. I back away nervously. His standing quickly reminds me too much of my father's actions. I am slowly healing, but somethings will never change. Fabian looks at me and outstretches his arm. It takes me a second to realize he wants to hug me. I am blushing, for sure. I stand next to him, and he wraps his arm around. I feel electricity run though my veins and I am calm. 

        "Where did you find this Julie?" He asks. I look up at him. 

        "There was a hole in the wall that appeared. That's not the only weird part." I point to my ancestor's name in the big, bold ink. "That's my ancestor." 

        Fabian's eyebrows shoot up into his hair. "Wow." 

        "I know." I barely manage. "My past is following me like a dog to a bone." I gulp and take a huge breath. 

        "What happened, Julie?" I look away. I can feel Fabian's gaze into me. 

        I am strong enough to do this. 

        Go get 'em, girly. 

        I smile at my voice and start. Confidence fills me and I am free. "My father killed my older brother and my mother infront of me. My father abused me. I tried to kill him by bringing a knife to school and throwing it at him. I missed, and he tired to kill me. I ran and fell. I met you guys. I'm here." I finish lamely, my voice cracking. I wipe a tear away fro my skin before it could fall any farther. Finally, after a pure moment of silence, Fabian wraps me into a full hug. I don't cry, like I expected. I laugh. It sounds weird coming form me: unnatural and harsh. It sounds too old for me. Fabian laughs too, and hug me tighter. 

        "You're very brave." He says, rubbing my hair.

        "I'm not." I say automatically. I can never be brave. I'm broken. 

        He pulls me away and looks at me. "Yes, you are. Don't ever think differently." 

        I pull my gaze away. "Fabian, lets just focus on the prophecy. One of us is going to die." 

        Fabian looks reluctant to change the subject. He does, but still holds my hand tightly like I was about to slip away. 

        "Maybe it means someone else." Fabian looks tired, and I feel guilty for given him another burden. 

        "I wish." I laugh hollowly. "But I'm pretty sure it means us." 

        Damn right it is. 

        Suddenly, a scream comes from behind the door. We sprint down the hall; hand and hand. Cat is in tears, clutching her arm. Blood poured through her fingers and to the floor. 

        "Cat!" I yelp, dragging Fabian down the stairs with me to her. I grab her hand with my free hand. Cat is pale and shaking. 

        "Cat, Cat, CAT! What happened?" I demand, fear exploding through me. Fabian rips off the bottom of his shirt to tie it around the cut. 

        "She's gone!" She finally manages. 

        "No." I breathe. "Did she leave anything?"

        "Who left?" Bo asks, hobbling out of his room to meet us. "I heard the scream. What's going on?" He looks tired as hell, worse than his brother. He looks around, his eyes on laser vision. "Where's Danny?" 

        This is the last chapter...... part 1. Part 2 may or may not be out tonight....we'll see. I just want to say the gif is Fabian (obviously) and a major THANK YOU to the people who have stuck with this book. Book 2: Devil's Angels: The Race Against Him (first chapter) will be out November 24th. I know this stroy isn't very good, but I hope you at least relate to the characters. Again, thank you, and I can't believe this is almost done. Please, please, PLEASE listen to the song or, like ten seconds to get you in the mood for the last part, and remember to spread the word. Love you guys! ~ urememberme09/Jace

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