Chapter 10: The Message

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        "Julie?"  Namn asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

        "What?" I say, trying not to sound wrecked. 

        "I was just saying how you can live with me now! Then we can set out to find mom together! Won't that me grand?" 

        I nod. I realize, with a start, that I don't want to leave the group. Even though I just met them, they made me feel safe and important. Plus, I want to beat up Bo. But how can I say no to my brother? I've always wanted to see him again, and now that I see him; I don't want him. I enjoyed being alone per-say. I was free from all my tragic history. Seeing Namn again brings it back. I know it's so unfair to put this all on him, but I just can't help it. I guess this makes me an awful sister, doesn't it?

        "Julie? Seriously, did you become deaf?" I look up at his face, which is twisted with concern. He actually believes that I might be deaf. God help this child. 

        "No," I reply, serious for his sake. "I'm not deaf; I'm just thinking."

        "What is there to think about?" Namn crys. "I am renting an apartment with my job and it has two bedrooms!"

        My stomach sinks lower than the Titanic did. This is breaking him. He finds me, then I don't want to be with him. I'm making myself sick. I am selfish. 

        The bell rings, ending the class we where suppose to be in. Namn puts his big hand on my shoulder. "We'll continue this later. Right now's lunch."

        I roll my eyes. He still loves food. He walks off in the oposing direction while I stand in the middle of the hallway; thinking myself over. What do I really want? 

        Julian.......... A voice echoes inside my head. I whip around, but no one seems to notice me. I put my small hand to my forehead and close my eyes. I must be going insane. I mean, what I've been through can do that to a person, right?

        Julian. Shit, it's real. 

        Julian, I have something for you. 

        What the hell? I push my way through the crowd and to the girl's bathroom. I lock myself in a stall and sit down. I feel as though I might throw up; a feeling I'm getting used to. 

        Shakily, I think back: Who are you? What do you want? 

        No one of personal intrest. The voice replies. But I have something you will be interested in. 

        Really? I sneer in my head. The sad part that this isn't the weirdest think that has happened to me. 

        Do you want to know what it is? I can just dissapear like you did. 

        No! I yell outloud, but I think the voice got my message. Curiousity killed the angel: the new saying. I sigh. Tell me. I think. 


        What the hell?

        Hey, you heard me. An emptiness fills my mind, and I know the voice is gone. I sit there for minutes, trying to understand what just happened. 675-908-257? What is that suppose to mean? What's going on? I shook my head. Maybe I just imagined the entire thing. 


        At first I think the voice has returned, but then I realize it's the voice of Catalina on the other side of the door. 

        "Julian? Are you okey?" She sounds worried. "You missed three classes." 

        "I know." I lie. "I'm fine. Being here is just........" I trail off. I could never explain what I'm feeling. I open the door and step out. Catalina is leaning against the wall; the book open in her hand. I smile, but it's fake and I know she can tell. 

        "I'm sorry your day here has been so awful." She says. "But if it makes you feel better: I fell up the stairs." I burst out laughing before I can stop myself. Catalina smiles, so I can tell it's not offensive to her. 

        I push the message off for the rest of the day and attend my classes, but it sticks in the back of my mind. What's it for?


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