Chapter 6: The Gang

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        It takes us a while by we finally get away from the creepy man with the pitchfork. I have no idea where we are, just far away from the graveyard. He sets me down next to him gently. We are infront of what looks like a broken down building. Vines weave in and out of the broken windows and cracks in the bricks. It's beautiful, and you feel sorry about how it's coming down. 

        "Where are we?" I question, looking at the structure in awe.

        Fabian looks down at me. "My friends and I live here, they'll help with that. Plus you have nowhere to go." 

        I whip my head to look at him. "I never said that!"

        "No," Fabian argees. "You didn't. But I can tell." He offers his hand to get up the hill. I take it, wondering how he could possibly know that, and start up slowly and carefully behind him. 

        The broken door opens with a loud creek and shutter. I cannot see behind the door and the swallowing darkness makes me a bit nervous. However, I swallow my fear in one big gulp and follow Fabian inside. The sunlight makes weird shadows on the stairs and fruniture. 

        "It's nice." I say, looking around, and I mean it. 

        "It's shit." Fabian corrects, chuckling a bit. "But it's the best we've got." I smile alittle.

        "It's lovely." The standing on my ankle makes me whince, and Fabian helps me sit down. 

        "Hey losers!" Fabian screams, the sound startling me. "I need your help." 

        For alittle bit nothing happens, then I hear footsteps. First appears a boy. He can't be older than seventeen with dirty blonde hair with side bangs. His eyes are the same color as Fabian's and has the same big smile. He jumps down the last three steps and comes over. He studies me, still smiling. 

        "This is Bobby." Fabian explains. "My annoying little brother."

       "Shut up."  he turns to me. "You can call me Bo, everyone does." I smile, the pain making hard to say or think much. 

        "Oh yeah. She did something to her ankle." Fabian remembers. On different occasions, I'd roll my eyes. Bo makes a very fake sad face and pretends to cry. I don't know if I should be offended or laugh. It is a hard decision. 

        "Then why am I here? You should get Catalina." Bo plops himself down in a nearby armchair and stares at us. I'm not sure what to make of Bo. He seems to be angrey at something, but nothing. I grab my ankle and try to ignore the pain, but it's hard. It is getting worse every moment. 

        "Who's this?" A light voice echoes behind me. I turn my head to see the girl it was coming from. She was tall, around 5'9 or so and skinny. Her dirty blonde hair curls around her ears and falls along her body. She has startling grey eyes and a scar running down her right cheek. She wears a big red demin shirt and skinny jeans, along with running sneakers. She is intimidating. Not to mention she's studying me like she can see right thorugh every guard I've ever put up. 

        "This is Julian." Fabian says. I notice he has an ice pack in his hand. I doubt this will help but I say nothing. 

        "Are you Catalina?" I ask, trying to break the very clear ice. 

        The girl crosses her arms and snickers. "Hell no. I'm Danny." 

        "Oh." I say quietly. "I'm Julian."

        Danny rolls her eyes. "I know. Fabian just told me. Were you even listening?"

        "Play nice, Dan." Fabian laughs and hands the ice pack to me. I take it and put it on my ankle. It feels alittle better, but not by much. 

        "So is Catalina here?" Fabian asks again, looking inbetween the glares of Bo and Danny. Danny shrugs and goes to the back of the room. I see know that there's a fridge. She pulls out a can of what might be soda and comes back. 

        "No." Bo finally answers, and I note, watching Danny. "She's not."

        "Well where is she then?"

        Bo looks at me quickly then back at his brother. "Buying food." 

        I raise an eyebrow. He's clearly lying. I'm not stupid. Though father thought I was.......... I mentally shake myself. You're free. He's gone and you're safe. 

        Danny sits down next to me, and I stop myself from shifting away. "He means stealing." She says mater-of-factly, then takes a huge gulp of her soda.

       "Stealing!" I exclaim. How could they steal? Do they know how wrong it is?

        Bo shakes his head. "Way to go stupid." He sighs. Danny stiffens beside me. I don't look up to see her reaction because I guess it would be murderous. 

        "You steal?" I question, my voice coming out harder than expected. I look up to Fabian. He gives me a sad smile. I feel sick. Why would they do something like that? At home-well, I'm one Earth. I have to start acting like an Earthen. 

        "We have to." Danny explains to me. "If we don't, we die." 

        "Die?" I gasp. "Do you mean, that you live here?"

        "Yep." Fabian smiles, sitting on the other side of me. "Just the four of us. I'm the oldest and kinda the leader, Bo's the mastermind, Catalina's the healer and Danny's the.... um..... how do I put it?" 

        "The amazing kick ass fighter that if we ever get into trouble, I release us from it in a nyway possible?" Danny offers.

        "That's pretty much it." Fabian laughs, and I feel alittle better. These kids were on their own, fighting for survivial. They were like me. Fabian pats me on the back, and I know I blush alittle. "You better stay here for the night."

        "Are you okey with that?" I ask, not wanting to interfer with their lives. 

        To my surprise, Danny answers. "Sure thing." she takes another big gulp of her drink. "Besides, you need it more than we need anything." 

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