Chapter 14: Devil's Playground (part 2)

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        No, you're not. The voice rings in my ear like a bell and I whip around. The voice is back. At the worst possible time. Peachy. 

        "Go away!" I scream at nothing. "You are useless. You gave me a useless code!" 

        The voice snickers, and I back up. You are an ungrateful little bitch. You will know when you have to use the code I gave you. But right now, you need to get out. Your brother is coming to your left, and Cal to your right. Run straight; Fabian's there. 

        "How do you know this?" I demand, but still running straight. "Who are you?"

        The voice laughed. If I haven't told you by now, do you think I'm going to anytime soon? 

        I hate this voice. 

        Thank's. Love you too.

        I sprint as fast as I could down the dusty path. I can hear my heart beat like a drum and my legs call for me to stop, but I don't. I keep pushing them forward. All of the sudden, the voice almost screams, TURN AROUND! NOW, JULIAN! 

        Too confused to argue, I dig my heels in the dirt and run the other way. I look behind to see Namn and Calvin chasing me; gaining on me. 

        Where's Fabian? I think, fear rising in my chest. 

        Behind them. You need to get out. 

        "I want to fight!" I cry under my breath. "Don't you get that?" 

        I do, I do. The voice promises. A tinge of annoyance fills it. But you don't know how and it's you they're after. 

        "Me?" I spit. Why me? I take a sharp turn to my left and run up the hill. It doesn't make any sense. 

        Life doesn't make sense. The voice says. Now get out. 

        It would help if you tell me the way out. I think. 

        Oh yeah!

        I roll my eyes. Take the next left and you'll be out. 

        I do as the mysterious voice says and it's right: I am out. The corn maze is behind me and the parking lot in front. I sigh. Catalina won't be happy on the way her trip went. 

        "Julian!" Cat cries, hugging me out of no where. "Thank god you're safe. Why didn't you tell us Namn's your brother? He's second in command for Calvin!"

        "I didn't think it was important." I say truthfully. "Why did they attack us?" Memories of all the times Namn and I spent together fill me up to the brim. I push back tears. I can't cry right now. Catalina has a huge cut running down her face, and a bruise on her lip. "Where are the others?" 

        Catalina's face turns into a look of pure concern. "Danny and Fabian are still in there. Bo is in the truck, waiting. I think he has a concussion. He took a nasty kick to the head before I got to him. But it wasn't a fair fight," Catalina shakes her head and clicks her tongue. "Seven against one." 

        I gulp. As much as I hate Bo, I can't help but feel sorry for him. 

        "C'mon, Julian. Let's go back to the truck."

        "No!" I say, surprising myself. "I want to wait for them." 

        Catalina smiles sadly. "It won't do any good, but okey. Are you sure you're alright?" 

        Cat's worry make same feel better. I'm not all alone in this. Maybe, I even tell her about the voice. Later. 

        I nod, and Cat walks off. I notice she's wobbly on her mechanical leg. "Are you okay?" I call. 

        She turns around, looking confused then sees where I'm looking. She laughs. "I had to take my leg off to whack some sense into those asses. I'm fine." 

        I laugh too, at the idea. But somehow knowing Cat, I can picture it. 

        As soon as Cat's out of sight, Danny pushes herself through the exit of the maze. I run to help her, but she waves me off, smiling like an idiot. She has blood rushing out of her mouth and her naturally pale face makes me think of what Earthens call the Joker. 

        "Glad you're okay, Julian." Danny says, pulling herself up to her full height, making her tower over me again. "Whew! They have gotten alot more fighters on their side. I had to fight twenty! Twenty! Of course I beat all of them......"

        I can tell she's about to go into a long, bloody and disgusting story, so a stop her. "Why are you guys fighting them? Why did they attack us? What are you guys into?" 

        Danny smiles even wider. "You see, Calvin used to be in our group of misfits, but he kept trying to rival Fabian for leader. Of course Fabian kept winning, because he's Fabian. Anyway, one night he attacked us when we weren't prepared and took off. He picked up Namn about a week later and formed his group called the 'Nightfalls.' We've been at each other's next since then." 

        "And what are you guys called?"

        Danny laughs. "Dawnstruck just to annoy Cal. It's kind of grown on us, though." 

        "It's pretty." I admit, still shaken up by the whole gang vs gang part. "Will I be able to fight anytime?"

        "Whoa, talk about changing the subject." Danny says, sitting down on a wooden box next to us. "Sure, I'll teach you any time you want with any weapon-"

        "I want to use knives." I say, completely sure with my decision. 

        Danny nods her head approvingly. "That would fit you. I could do that. Give us a week and I'm sure you'll be caught up." 

        I want to reach out a hug her. "Thank you!" I cry. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

        Danny laughs again and states, "You constantly remind me of a hyper puppy." 

        "Who's a hyper puppy?" Fabian asks, walking next to me. "Is it Julian, because I totally agree to that." We walk back to the truck, planning a counterattack on the Nightfalls. Danny says she'd teach me starting next mourning. I feel safe and fitting in, despite the still nagging sadness of my brother's betrayal. 

        Remember the numbers. The voice rings softly in my ears. I shake my head. How could I?



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