The bad beginning

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A month later Hermione is in the bathroom crying softly, she had just fond out that she is a month pregnant, she is crying because she's scared about Ron's reaction after-all they haven't even gotten to that point yet, so finding out that she's pregnant wouldn't just shook him but bring up lots of questions. She stands their for sometime in panic. "Oh god, what am I going to do?" She asks herself in panic as she cries why looking  in the mirror on the wall.

Sometime later Hermione goes down stairs to find Ron and Harry sitting in the front room chatting, she walks in and both of them look at her with smiles that turn to worry when they see she's been crying.

"Hermione, have you been crying?" Harry asks sensitively.

"Why would you think that?" She says threw sobs.

Ron gets up and walks over to Hermione with Harry behind him. "Hermione, what's the matter?" Ron asks softly as he hugs her.

Hermione swallows and looks at the boys in worry. "Well, um, Ron, I need to tell you something very important." She says nervously.

"This sounds like something privet, so I think I should go." Harry says respectively.

As Harry turns to leave Hermione grabs his arm and looks at him with plead. "No, Harry, please don't go, I beg you." She says loudly with desperation.

"Ok." Harry says and goes back to standing by Ron.

Ron looks at Hermione curiously. "Ok, Hermione, what's going on?" He asks.

"Well first, please don't over react Ron, but i'm...I'm."

"Your what?" Ron asks in concern.

"I'm pregnant!" Hermione cries.

The boys step back in shook, Ron's face red as his hair.

"What? You're pregnant? How can that be? We haven't even." Ron starts saying and then he got redder than his hair. "Oh god! You cheated on me!" Ron yells. 

Harry looks shocked. "Oh Hermione, how cold you?" He asks.

"No Ron, I didn't, I swear!" Hermione says in panic.

"Oh really? Then how did you get pregnant?!" Ron says angrily as he crosses his arms.

Hermione on her knees looks up at Ron in fear of what him and Harry will do when she tells them the truth. "Well a month ago when I was coming home a man grabbed me, pulled me into a alley and... and raped me!" Hermione cries as she shakes.

Harry and Ron look at her not knowing what to say, then Ron glares at her. "So your telling me you where raped? God Hermione, that's a pathetic excuse!" Ron yells angrily in discussed.

"But it's the truth Ron, I swear!" Hermione says in tears.

Ron slaps her across her face then she falls backwards and cries even more.

Hermione looks at Harry for reassurance. "Harry, you believe me, right?" She asks with hope and a tear-stricken face.

Harry sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry Hermione, but I have to agree with Ron."

Ron nods at Harry then sticks up his wand. "Accio Hermione's things." He says, then her trunk comes to her along with all her things that squish in then the trunk shuts. "Oh, and one more thing." Ron says in realisation. "Accio Crookshanks!" He says, then Crookshanks comes flying over and Hermione picks him up.

"Now, take your scruffy hairball and get out you slutty mud-blood and never come back!" Ron yells.

Hermione cries as she leaves, then as she walks away Harry yells at her. "And don't bother trying to come to me and Ginny because we'll just tarn you away!"

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