Knockturn Alley

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The next morning Hermione wakes up wearing a top Draco lent her, she goes to the next room where Rose is staying but finds that she's not there, then she hears giggling and follows them downstairs to the living room to find Rose giggling and smiling at Draco who is playing by making silly faces, Rose in one of Draco's baby tops.

Hermione smiles as she watches them. "As I said before, I never knew you were so good with kids." Hermione says as she walks over to them.

"Doo Doo ba! Doo-Doo ba!" Rose mutters with a giggle.

"I'm sure he is Rose." Hermione says as she picks Rose up. "Now, lets go and get you dressed." Hermione says as she goes to take Rose back upstairs.

"Oh, and Hermione, may I say you both look wonderful in my top's." Draco says flatteringly.

Hermione smiles at him, then takes Rose upstairs.


When Hermione and Rose are dressed they come back down, Hermione sitting on the sofa next to Draco with Rose on her lap. 

"You hungry Rose?" Hermione asks. 

"Moo!" Rose mumbles as she nods her head.

"Ok, I'll get you your milk." Hermione says as she grabs a bottle and Rose puts her hands on Draco's lap, and when Hermione sees she smiles. "Oh, you prefer Draco's lap to mummy's?"

"Doo-Doo-Doo!" Rose giggles.

Hermione puts Rose on Draco's lap and gives him the bottle so he can feed Rose.

"Well I knew you wear a lady's man Draco but you seem to of stolen my daughter's heart as well. Does stealing girls hearts know no bounds?" Hermione asks.

Draco smiles. "Ha-ha, what can I say? Girls love me. He says with a blush.

"Yeah, I know." Hermione sighs.

Draco feeds Rose. after he finishes Hermione takes Rose and burps her, then she looks at Draco. "So, shall we go to get my things from the flat." Hermione asks.

"Ok, I'll go and get my wand from my room then we can go." Draco says, so he leaves. 

As Hermione waits for Draco she folds up Roses pram and grabs the baby bag then when he gets back they floo powder to the Leaky Cauldron, Draco holding Rose.

When they get to the Leaky Cauldron they make there why to the back and into Diagon alley. 

As Draco and Hermione are walking down the street with Rose they suddenly find Harry and Ron right in front of them. "Oh no!" Hermione says with worry.

"Don't worry, I'm here, and I wont let them hurt you or Rose." Draco says protectively.

Just then Harry and Ron see Hermione and Draco, gives them nasty looks then comes over.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry asks meanly.

"I'm here with Hermione, seeing as I'm her only friend sins you all turned on her." Draco says.

"Bah!" Rose coos meanly at Harry and Ron as she sticks her tongue out at them.

"Yes Rose, meanie's." Draco says with a smile.

"Ha-ha-ha, Doo." Rose coos as she hugs Draco.

Hermione smiles as Harry and Ron look at Rose and Draco in discussed.

"Well that's her own fault, cheating on me with someone ells!" Ron says in discussed.

"She told you the truth and you still shunned her!" Draco retorts.

"Yeah, like that's true, all that stuff about being raped, it's just an excuse." Ron says with a tut.

"How could any of you believe that Hermione would cheat, she's the most truthful and trustworthy person there is!" Draco says.

"Yeah right!" Harry says with a tut.

"Well, your loss, come on Hermione." Draco says, so he leaves with Hermione and Rose, Rose sticking her tongue out at Harry and Ron from over Draco's shoulder.

"Why don't we go and get something to eat before we go to your flat?" Draco suggests.

"Ok Draco, lead the way." Hermione says with a smile and he smiles as well.


"You've lived in this dump for a year?" Draco asks later at Hermione's flat.

"Yes, I know it's a dump. It's wooers at night, I was always scared someone would break in and god knows what." Hermione says.

"I bet. Well you wont have to worry about all those creeps from now on, now is that everything?" Draco asks.

"Yes, it is." Hermione says.

"You and Rose don't have much do you?" Draco points out.

"No, we don't."

"You know what, I'm going to take you two on a shopping day, my treat

"Oh Draco, I couldn't allow you to do that." Hermione says with a smile.

"No but's about it, I insist." Draco says.

"OK-ok." Hermione says.

After everything is in a small bag that's bigger on the inside Hermione puts Rose in her pram as Draco sends their luggage and Crookshanks to the manner then they all go to a close shop.


Later when they get back home Rose is wearing one of her new dresses playing with Draco, then they hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get that Draco, sin's your busy." Hermione says with a smile then she goes, answers the door to finds Blaze.

"Hi D......." Blaise begins to say then he sees Hermione. "Oh, hi Hermione, I didn't know you were hear."

Don't worry Blaze, no one know's I'm hear, now come in before you catch a could." Hermione says.

Blaze comes in, Hermione shuts the door and they both go though to the living room.

Hermione's babyWhere stories live. Discover now