Hermiode's bad past

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Hermione 20, Rose 4 months

One year latter Hermione is in a small cafe with her daughter asleep in her pram. 

"Can I help you ma'am?" A waitress asks.

"Yes, I'll have a coffee please." Hermione says softly.

"Of cores ma'am." The waitress says and walks off.

As Hermione waits someone walks by her table, then they stop, look at her and come's over.

"Hermione?" A familiar voice asks in surprise.

Hermione starts looking up not knowing who is speaking. "Yes, that's me." She says in fear and looks shocked when she sees who it is. "Draco?" She says in surprise.

"Yes, it's me. Wow, I haven't seen you in two years, how are you?" Draco asks.

"What do you care?" Hermione says sadly.

Draco looks at Hermione with guilt. "Look Hermione, I know I was mean, rude and selfish back at school, and maybe I was a foul evil little cockroach as you put it, and I feel terrible for everything, but I want to make it up to you, so will you give me a chance?"

Hermione looks shocked then she smiles slightly why still looking sad. "Ok, I'll give you a chance, and to answer your question no, no I'm not very good at-all." She says sadly.

Draco looks at her in worry. "Why?" He asks, but she doesn't say a word.

'She just looks very down witch is very weird, She was always one with a lot to say and so strong, this Hermione is not the Hermione I know. Have two years really changed her that much? And if so, what terrible thing could of happened to make her so down?' Draco thinks to himself, then he hears a baby crying.

 Hermione picks her baby up and Draco smiles. "Who's this?" He asks sweetly.

"This is my daughter Rose." Hermione says as she rocks Rose.

"Oh, she's so sweet." Draco says with a smile, then he sees the time and stands up. "Oh god...Hermione?" He asks fast.


"Can I see you later? because right now I've got to get to work, and I'd like to catch up with you, please?" He begs.

She thinks about it then smiles slightly. "Um, ok, what time and where?"

"My Manner at 7pm." Draco says.

"Ok, we will be there."

"You will?" He says in surprise.

"Yes we will." Hermione looks down at Rose. "Wont we Rose?" Hermione says.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaa." Rose coos happily.

"Great, bye Hermione, and bye to you too Rose." Draco says as he strokes her head.

"Bye Draco, see you latter." Hermione says.


Later not long after Draco gets home from work a knock comes from the front door, so he goes to the door and opens it. "Hi Hermione, come in." He says gentlemanly.

After she comes in and the door is shut they go into the living room with Rose and sit down on the sofa, Rose on Hermione's lap.

"So, your a mother now, who's the farther?" Draco asks curiously, Hermione's beautiful smile she just had at seeing him vanishes and she just looks down in sadness and starts sobbing. "Whats the matter? Did I say something wrong? I just asked because I was curious."

She looks at him with a tier-stricken face. "I know, but that's just it." She cries softly.

Without thinking he hugs her and to his surprise she doesn't pull away. "What do you mean?" He asks sweetly.

"I mean I don't know who the farther is." She says why still crying.

"What? How can you not know?" Draco asks with worry.

"I don't want to speak about it." Hermione sobs.

Draco holds her. "Please Hermione, I want to help you, you can trust me." He says softly.

Hermione looks at Draco for a minute. "Ok, if you promise not to leave me?" She says pleadingly.

"Of course i wont, what makes you think I would?" He asks. "Harry and Ron did when I told them, and the ministry did when they fond out and heard my story, so I lost my job." Hermione says sadly.

Draco puts his hands on her face. "Oh my, well I'm not going to leave, no matter how bad it is." Draco says reassuringly

She lays her hand on his that are on her face and looks at him. "Really, you Promise?"

"I promise." He says looking at her with kindness.

Hermione sniffs and smiles slightly. "Ok, well about a year and a half ago Ron and I got Married, then 6 months latter I found out I was Pregnant." She explains.

"So Weasel's the farther?" Draco says.

"No, because we hadn't even got there yet, he was so nervous about it."

"Really? oh what a wimp." Draco says with a smile.

"Yes, I know." Hermione giggle's and he smiles.

"So how did you get Pregnant? Because I know you wouldn't cheat on anyone." Draco says matter-of-factually.

Hermione smiles. "Well it's not really good... But, well a month before I found out I was Pregnant, I had been..." She bursts into tears.

Draco hugs her to comfort her. "What? What happened?" He asks.

"I was raped!" She cries.

"What? By who?" Draco asks in worry.

"I don't know, I never sore his face, and when I told Harry and Ron what happened they didn't believe me, so Ron kicked me out and I haven't spoken to any of them for a year now. No matter how I try, none of them will speak to me, me and Rose are all alone." Hermione cries into Draco's shoulder and he hugs her.

"Don't worry, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, you and Rose are not alone, not anymore." Draco says comforting her."

Hermione looks at him. "Thanks Draco." She says with a tiny smile 

He smile again then he smells something and Rose starts crying. "Oh god, what's that smell?" Draco asks with a wrinkled nose.

Hermione giggles. "Sorry, it's Rose, she needs changing."

"Oh...." He says in realisation.

Hermione picks Rose up. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Rose giggles as she grabs Draco's hair and pulls it.

"Ow-ow-ow." He says in pain.

"Ha-ha-ha, oh, she likes you Draco." Hermione says with a goggle.

Rose lets go of Draco's hair and he looks at Hermione why rubbing his head. "If that means she likes me I'd hate to see what she'd do if she didn't like me." Draco says.

Hermione giggles. "She most likely will make a mean face, wave her hands about and stick her tongue out at you... Now could you show me to your bathroom please." She asks.

So he leads Hermione to one of his bathrooms.

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