A Big and happy shock

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A month after Draco's birthday Hermione wakes up at 8:00am in Draco's bed that she's been sleeping in for a month and gets up and runs to the bathroom and pukes in the low. "Oh god, that's gross." She says as she washes her face then she goes back in the bedroom to find a note on the bed-side table, so she reeds it to find that Draco's gone to Diagon alley with Rose and Blaze and will be back later at 4:00pm, after reading the note Hermione gets changed, goes down stairs and has breakfast then she goes into town to a chemist to get some personal things.


Later when Hermione gets back she goes to the bathroom. "Ok, here we go, please let it be negative" She says to herself in worry as she sits on the low, then after a while she gets up and puts the pregnancy test down on the sink then starts walking around nervously, 3 minutes later she looks at it and finds it says positive. "Oh no, what am I going to do, oh god, what will Draco say? I don't want to lose him." So she goes to the bedroom, puts the pregnancy test in her bag and try's to figure out what to do, then she remembers that Draco's not at work today so she goes to St-mungo's

When she gets to St-mungo's she goes to the reception desk. "Hallo Miss, what can I do for you?" The red head woman asks. "I think I'm Pregnant." Hermione says in worry. "Your name pleas?"  The lady asks. "Hermione Granger." Hermione says in panic. "OK Thank-you, now if you could go and sit down pleas." "Ok, thanks." So she goes and sits down, then 5 minutes later an older blond woman calls. "Hermione Granger?" So Hermione stands up and follows the woman into a room.

"Ok, so you think your Pregnant Miss Granger?" The Docter asks. "Yes." "Have you had any symptoms?" The Doctor asks. "Well my periods late, I've been going to the low more often, my mouth has been tasting like metallic, I've been tired more than usual and I've been sick allot lately." "Ok, so your showing the symptoms of being Pregnant, but will have to do a test to make shore."


Later after the test Hermione is talking with the Doctor. "Ok you are indeed pregnant, 1 month at that, is this your first time?" The Doctor asks. "No, I have a little girl." "Ok, so I'll send you a letter for your next appointment, wear are you living?" "Malfoy Manner." "Ok, well I'll send it there and I'll see you in about a month." "Ok, oh and one more thing Doctor." "Yes Miss Granger." "Please don't let Doctor Malfoy know about any of this." Hermione asks. "Why? Ohh, ok will leave it to you to tell him"


Later Draco comes home with Rose. "Sweetie were home" Draco calls. "Mama, mama!" Rose calls as well. "I'm in the living room Draco." Hermione calls, so Draco takes Rose out of the pram, hangs her jacket up, takes her into the living room and sits on the sofa next to Hermione. 

"Are you ok Hermione?" Draco asks when he sees Hermione looking nervous. "Yes, I'm fine, but I need to tell you something important, and I'm scared to because I don't want to lose you." Hermione says. "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." "You promise?" "Yes, I promise." 

"Ok, but can I speak to you alone so Rose can't hear?" Hermione asks. "Ok, Filly!" Draco calls, then an elf appears. "Yes Master?" Filly asks. "Pleas watch Rose, me and Hermione will be back soon ok, but if anything happens come and get us." Draco says. "Yes Master." So Draco and Hermione go to Draco's bedroom and sit on the bed.

"Ok, now what's going on Hermione?" Draco asks. "Well, you know I've been sleeping and been sick allot lately." "Yes, what about it?" "Well I went to St-mungo's earlier and I found out that I'm." "Your what?" Draco asks with his hands on her shoulders. "I'm pregnant" Hermione says in worry. "Oh my god, Hermione that's grate." Draco says with a smile. "What, you're not angry?" "No, why would I?" "Oh Draco, I'm so glad." Hermione starts hugging him. "I thought you would leave me when I told you." 

"I know it was hard the first time, but I'm going to be there for you every step of the way, I promise." Draco says as he hugs her. "Ok, and Draco there's something else I have to tell you, well show you." "What is it?" So she takes something out of her bag and looks at Draco. "This is the scan." Hermione says as she gives it to him.

So he takes the scan and looks at it and looks shocked at what he sees. "Twins, weir having twins, oh my god this is so." Then Draco's face falls in worry. "I'm going to be a farther." Hermione places her hand on him. "What's wrong Draco?" "I'm going to be a farther." "Yes, you are, and a great one two." Hermione says tenderly and he smiles at her. "You really think so?" "I know so." He smiles. "Thanks Hermione, but that's not the only thing that's worrying me." "What do you mean?" "Well, mum doesn't even know about us yet, and I'm not too shore how she will react to me and you being together, plus me being a farther before I'm married, it could be bad."

 "What do you mean?" Hermione asks. "Well in the Malfoy family having kids before your married is looked down on, some people in my family through history have been disowned and would loos everything because of this." Draco explains. "Oh, that is hard, but with you being the last Malfoy wouldn't you be given some leverage, after-all, your all your mum has got now and I'm sure she wouldn't want to loos that." "I suppose." then he hugs her.

"Oh Hermione?" "Yes?" "Mum contacted me asking if I could come over to see her with my girlfriend because she wants to meet you, but she doesn't know it's you." Hermione smiles. "OK, when do we go?" "What, your ok with it, I mean you're not worried?" "No, why should I be?" He looks at her in surprise. 

"Well with everything that's happened I thought you would be nervous about seeing her again." "Draco, she never did anything to me, all she did was doing what was best to protect you, and didn't you say she never wanted anything to do with Voldemort?" Hermione says. "Yes, Ok, well she said about us going tomorrow, and she asks if we could stay for 3 weeks because I haven't seen her for so long." "Ok, I'll go grab Rose then go and start packing." "Ok, I'll answer the letter and then I'll join you."

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