Rose meats Blaze

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"Hi Draco

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"Hi Draco." Blaze says as he enters the living room. "Oh..." He says in surprise when he sees Draco with a baby. "Who's this?" He asks.

"This is Rose, my daughter." Hermione says.

Draco stands beside Hermione with a smiling Rose in his arms. "Yes, and there staying with me." Draco says.

"So, there living with you?" Blaze asks.

"Yes." Draco says.

"Why." Blaze asks.

"Well I'm her only friend." Draco says.

"But what about Potter and all the Weasley's?" Blaze asks.

"Well I can't tell you that, only Hermione can tell you, sore I know, but it's best if she tell's you herself, that's if she wants too." Draco says.


Later they are all eating, Rose in her high chair by Draco who is feeding her.

"So Hermione, do you mind telling me what's going on? Because I would of thought you'd be with Ron, after all aren't you marred?" Blaze asks.

"Not for a year now." Hermione says calmly.

 "Why? What happened?" Blaze asks.

Hermione looks sad and looks at Rose. "Well, ok, but keep it between us and Draco." Hermione says.

"Ok, I will." Blaze says.

"Well after 5 months of marriage I was on my way home from work, and I was raped. A month later I found out I was pregnant, so I told Ron and Harry what had happened but they didn't believe me so Ron called me a slutty mud-blood and divorced me. Sines then none of them have spoken to me because they all think I cheated on Ron, and now Ron and Harry have seen Draco with me and Rose they'll be thinking he's her farther and the one I cheated with." Hermione explains.

"Oh god, are they all complete idiots? I mean how could they believe you would cheat?" Blaze says in outrage. 

"I know, that's what I said." Draco remarks. 

"Well at lest you still have your job." Blaze says.

"No, I haven't had a job for a year." Hermione says.

"What? Why?" Blaze asks.

"Well once the Ministry found out I was pregnant and not with my husbands baby they believed that I had cheated on him and that I was a slut, and they didn't want that kind of publicity in the Ministry so they fired me. Now with being a single parent makes it hard to find a job." Hermione explains.                                                                                                                                               

"So you've bean alone with a baby and no job for a year?" Blaze asks.

"4 months and 1 day to be precise, the rest of the time I was pregnant and alone." Hermione corrects. 

"How have you bean able to do that without a job?" Blaze asks.

"It's bean very hard, and until two days ago when Draco found me in a cafe nobody has bean kind to me."

"So year living hear now?" Blaze asks.

"Yes, she is, because I just couldn't let her stay where she and Rose have been living for the last year." Draco says.

"Why, where did they live?" Blaze asks.

"They lived in a small, dirty one room flat just on the edge of Knockturn alley." Draco says.

"Oh my god, that's terrible." Blaze says.

"Ha-ha-ha! Doo-Doo!" Rose coos happily why bouncing in her high chair.

Blaze smiles. "What's that mean and what's she on about?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Doo-Doo is what she calls me, and for what she's on about, well she's saying she's happy there living with me." Draco says.

"Well it looks like someone loves you Draco, and here I thought you were no good with kids." Blaze says in confusion.

"Yeah, I thought so to, but Rose has taken to Draco like a fish to water." Hermione says with a chuckle as Draco smiles and they finish eating.


Later in the living room Hermione's sitting  on the sofa watching Rose giggling at the boy's who are making silly faces.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, Doo Doo Bah Bah!" Rose giggles.

"Yes they are Rose, yes they are." Hermione says then picks Rose up. "Now it's time for you to go to bed Rose."

Rose yarns so Hermione puts her to bed then come's back downstairs.

"Well, I better get home, Bye Hermione, Bye Doo-Doo." Blaze says with a smile at Draco.

"Hay, don't call me that, only Rose can call me that." Draco says.

"Ok mate." Blaze says then he floo powders home.

"So shall we go to bed now?" Hermione asks.

"Sure, but I'll be gone by 7.30am because I start work at 8.00am so don't worry." Draco says.

"Ok Draco, night."

"Night Hermione."

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