Moving in

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Why Hermione changers Rose Draco thinks about what she told him. 'How could Pot-head and that family of Weasels think she would cheat or lie about this? And how could they all just shun her?' He thinks to himself in anger, then Hermione comes in holding Rose.

Rose sees Draco and holds out her arms  to him. "Doo-Doo." Rose giggles.

"What does she want?" Draco asks.

Hermione giggles. "Oh, she want's you to hold her Draco."

"She wants me to hold her?" Draco asks in surprise.

"Yes Draco, she does." Hermione passes Rose to him and Rose snuggles into his arms. "Oh Draco, why didn't you tell me you were good with kids?" Hermione asks with a smile.

"I didn't know." Draco says with a smile.

"Well she's never taken to anyone so easily, she usually curls up scared when She's near anyone but me, you must have something special that she can sense." Hermione says.

"What do you mean, she can sense?" He asks.

"Well babies have a sense of who they can trust and who they can't trust." Hermione says, as Rose falls asleep in his arms. "Well, I better get Rose home and put her to bed." She says as she takes Rose from Draco's arms.

"No, please, stay for dinner?" Draco asks.

"But what about Rose? She needs her nap." Hermione says.

"I can get my old Moses basket down and she can sleep in that." He offers.

"You've still got your Moses basket?" Hermione asks.

"Well yes, 4 generations of Malfoy's have slept in that Moses basket, and it's kept in good condition too." Draco says.

"Ok, we'll stay." So he goes and gets his Moses basket.

When Draco comes back and puts the Moses basket down Hermione smiles "It's so you Draco." Hermione says, and places Rose in the basket, tucks her in and then they go and sit down.

"Filly!" Draco calls.

A little house elf with a pink dress pops in. "Yes master?" The elf asks.

"Can you make me and miss Hermione something to eat ?" Draco asks.

"Yes master. what would you like?" The elf asks.

Draco looks at Hermione. "Well Hermione, what would you like to eat?" He asks.

"Could we have some chicken pie, chips and peas please?" Hermione asks.

"Ok." Draco says then look's back at Filly. "We'll have what miss Hermione said please Filly." Then Filly pops out.

Draco and Hermione look at etch over and smile. "So you haven't got a job. how do you live?" Draco asks in concern.

"I live in a small one room flat with a tiny dirty wash room just on the edge of Knocktun alley." Hermione says sadly.

"What?! Oh, that's not a good place, especially for a baby." Draco says in worry.

"I know, but it's the best I can afford." Hermione says sadly.

Draco thinks, then he comes up with an idea. "Hermione, I just can't let you and Rose stay there." He says strongly.

"But Draco, what ells am I supposed to do?" Hermione sobs.

Draco smiles. "Well, now Hermione, I know this is a bit strange, but how about you and Rose move in here? there's plenty of space and plenty of rooms." He suggests.

Hermione smiles. "Oh Draco, really? Wont that interrupt your life?"

"No, if anything it will make my life more interesting, and I'd feel much better, plus you'll be safer hear than on the edge of Knocktun alley." Draco says.

"Ok, and thanks Draco, you're the first person to be nice to me since I got pregnant, and it will be good for Rose to have more than just me around, plus she loves you Draco." Hermione says.

"Ok, tomorrow we'll go and get your things and bring them back here." Draco says.

Hermione's smile vanishes slightly in realisation. "Oh, and Draco."

"Yes Hermione?"

"As well as me and Rose there will be my cat Crookshanks, is that ok?" Hermione asks.

"You have a cat?" Draco asks.

"Yes, you remember him, you used to call him ginger fluff ball in are last year at school when we were head boy and girl."

"Oh him, of-course he can stay." Draco smiles.

Hermione smiles, then Filly pops back in.

"Master, ma'am, dinners ready." Filly says.

"Thanks Filly." Draco says, then they go into the dinning room, sit down and eat.

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