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THE WALK BACK TO THE SHELBY HOUSE WAS ANYTHING BUT SILENT. Kat had taken the opportunity to unload everything she was thinking mercilessly on Thomas, who was unable to escape her grasp. She told him of the talk that was going around the city, how opinion on the gang was worsening and advised him to do something about. She offered no solutions though, which he noted in annoyance. Kat did offer new information on the Inspector, however - his failure to fight during the war. She had only offered this information in hope of improving his mood as she noticed the scowl appearing along his lips.

They arrived at the house on Waterly Lane soon enough and Thomas opened the door allowing Kat to enter first, even though he still didn't understand why she needed to go to his house in the first place. The moment the door opened, roars of laughter echoed through the house and out the door. Thomas noticed it was louder than usual and wondered what had excited John's children so much this particular day.

Kat rounded the corner and saw Polly and Ada sitting at the kitchen table as the kids chased each other around the table. Bobby's face was red with exhaustion but his eyes shined with happiness as he played with kids his own age. He didn't notice Kat initially but when he did, he squealed happily and ran toward her. "You're back!"

"I promised ya, didn't I?" Kat smiled at the little boys red face. She brushed some of his hair back from his sweaty forehead. "Did you have fun?"

"I did." Bobby confirmed, the smile plastered across his face looked to become permanent. "I made new friends!"

"They get on like a house on fire." Polly commented from her seat at the table. She was reading a newspaper which she had put down on the table when she spoke.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm confused." Thomas spoke up from behind Kat. He watched as the little boy, whom he never seen before, attach himself to Kat's leg. "This is your lad?"

Bobby peered up at the intimidating man with his big dark eyes. They widened at the sight of the stern expression on the man's face. Kat hardly looked at Thomas as she answered him. "Of course not, he looks nothing like me."

Thomas merely blinked at the response and remained confused on the situation. Kat took the boy's hands but he tugged his hand away from her grasp. Kat raised her eyebrow impatiently at the boy, who looked at her sheepishly. "Can you carry me again?"

"Do your legs not work?" Kat questioned him, adopting a motherly tone without realizing it. She didn't mean to but the tone came naturally to her.

Bobby didn't reply but instead sighed and grabbed her hand. Kat smiled triumphantly and bid everyone a good evening. As the pair walked through the streets, people paused their lives briefly to stare at the odd couple. Evidently, the child was not Kat's as they shared no identical features but the child looked comfortable in her presence. That was an oddity in itself.

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